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Remembering Heidi Lynn

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With great sorrow I bring sad news. I found out earlier today that Heidi Lynn had passed away.

I have known her for a number of years and had the opportunity to spend a bit of time with her over last couple of years.

I know that there are many in our community who have known her for longer than I have. But Location provided me with opportunities that many of you did not have. I will always be grateful for fun times we had and the support that Heidi lended me through some difficult times.

Mostly Heidi and I got together to have fun and be ourselves. We traveled quite a bit last year and went to several pride parades around the South West. Here in Phoenix, then in Las Vegas, Long Beach and San Diego. These trips allowed us to spend quite a bit of time together in the car on ling drives to and from the events. Not to mention the time spent planning and looking forward to them.

Heidi and I were very concerned that people in our community feel welcome to join us and were always trying to find the best way to envolve others. We met some resistance and had some successes along the way, both were educational and helpful. Heidi Lynn, Tommy, Angela and others have really done us a great service in forging the way so that we did not have to feel alone in our thoughts feelings and desires. Heidi and I both felt that someone needs to carry the mantle forward and were working to find the best way to do it. Heidi and I understood that there were a great majority of you who wish to remain in the closet and anonymous, even though Heidi was out for the last several years of her life I am not totally out even know. Heidi spent most of her life in the closet so to speak. Even after her appearance on Jerry Springer she was not 24/7. We were planning on continuing with our efforts at the Pride Parades this year. I want to carry on where we left off but it will not be easy.

Last summer on the way home from San Diego Heidi requested that we stop at a rest stop to stretch her legs. Upon arrival at the rest stop I set out to use the restroom (my diapers were full). I only got several paces from the car when other people in the lot we calling me back. Heidi had fallen and hit her head on the curb near the car. She was bleeding badly and needed some medical attention. It was blistering hot as you would expect in July just outside of Yuma, AZ. I did my best to care for her until the EMT’s arrived. She was unconscious and I needed to get her off of the hot asphalt. To make a long story short she was life-flighted to a hospital in Phoenix. It took some time but she did eventually recover enough to return home. Her mobility was limited and she was not very strong but was able to look after herself. We corresponded fairly regularly and she was looking forward to new adventures in 2009.

The first opportunity came on the 9th when I accompanied Heidi to see a performance of “Hair

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Wow I'm shocked guys!

Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Heidi in person, I did enjoy her posts and the chats we had through pm in the small hours (for me). Heidi was always there for you if you needed advice, or just a chat. Back in the late 80s I watched a tv show which included ABs, and I only found out recently that the AB on the show was Heidi. It was seeing Heidi on this show that made me realise I wasn't alone in likeing this, and started me seeking others in our community. I know I'm not the only person for whom this show had that same impact.

Heidi was the community's big sister.


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Oh my. I never really spoke to HeidiLynn much but I read her posts and I knew she was a valued member of the community and I have not long watched the clip of her on Youtube as I wasn't aware she was that well known. I am very sad to hear that. :( She is a very brave person, I admire her for just being herself, I wish I had spoken to her alot more. :(

I am very sorry for the loss of your good friend for the people that knew her. :( *hugs*

Rest in peace Heidi Lynn xxxxx

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As I read this post, under cold ashen skys of a Saturday morning in Michigan, it brings me sadness to learn of Heidi Lynn's passing. I am fairly recent to the community and did not know her directly; only through her posts. My sympathy to those who were personal friends, for the loss must be great. We are all better for her being, and we are all diminished by her passing.

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I wanted to share this last photo of Heidi Lynn and I from our outting to "Hair". There was a local Magazine who was doing a promotion the night we were there and they were very curious about Heidi and I. The asked a lot of questions and we had a great oppertunity to share a little bit about our community. The magazine is called Phoenix Women and they hold an event each month called Girls Night Out. The even published this photo on their web site!

I think that you can see how happy Heidi is to be there!

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I really don't know how to say how much this news has effected me. I was a friend, though we never did meet up. We were going to once but he had problems at that time, and had to stay at home.

I became friends with WW, aka: Babyman, or HeidiLynn around four years ago. I was impressed with his courage and we started talking back and forth and I wrote a little for heidiLynns world but I never went on any of her adventures.

I've been trying to reach Heidi for the past week and am shocked by the news of her death.

This uncomprimising hero who some would call "Babyman", the legend. The one and only HeidiLynn. I can't comprehend theat she is gone.

She was a free spirit who refused to live a lie. Heidilynn looked into the eyes of the conventional safety of living in the closet and was brave enough to say "no way".

"I will live the real life be my true self, and to hell with the rules, somebody has to stand up for the AB/DL world, and I'm that person". HeidiLynn lived a lot, and loved a lot, and gave a lot to so many different AB's and DL's in this community.

There will never be another trailblazer like Heidi, with all the courage of heart to step out there for all of the guys and gals who wished they could.

You shall be missed by all of those people you have given counsel, and others who admired your freedom of being who you wanted to be. You were never down on life, and we will miss you.

May all of us remember her for the great friend that she was to us all.


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Wow. Heidi Lynn basically founded the community when she responded to that personal ad she talks about in her 2008 interview. Her profile says she was fifty five years old when she died. That would make the date of that letter she wrote to Ken Perry in New York 1972. That's 36 years she put into to building this community.

Does anyone know her given name? It seems like it would be only fitting to put together as complete a biography as we can here on DD as a sort of memorial. Nobody is going to remember our history for us if we don't.

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Wow. Heidi Lynn basically founded the community when she responded to that personal ad she talks about in her 2008 interview. Her profile says she was fifty five years old when she died. That would make the date of that letter she wrote to Ken Perry in New York 1972. That's 36 years she put into to building this community.

Does anyone know her given name? It seems like it would be only fitting to put together as complete a biography as we can here on DD as a sort of memorial. Nobody is going to remember our history for us if we don't.

William Windsor - Do a YouTube search for Heidi Lynn, and you will see a multipart series on the truly amazing life she led. Never had the privelage to meet her, but definately found her a great inspiration for me to be who I am - no matter what anyone else thinks. A tremendous loss for the AB/DL Community.

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HeidiLynn was more than just "Babyman", during her life she was an actor, singer-songwriter and member of a country band. HeidiLynn was an expert and an instructor in martial arts, and lived a very full life.

There was so much more to her than what we here at this site knew of her. I last spoke with her about three weeks ago.

When HeidiLynn was in the hospital for the TBI she suffered when she fell, she contracted MRSA in the wound on her head. She was still taking very strong antibiotics the last I talked to her, but seemed sure that everything was going to work out fine.

When I could not reach her on the net or on the phone I was very worried about her, when I found this notification of her death it confirmed my worst fears.

I'm glad that I knew her for as long as I did, we will all miss her.


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Ever since I read the article about Heidilynn in the Phoenix several years ago I had wanted to contact her. Reading her posts I could tell she was very intelligent and well-spoken. I had so many questions for her about how to come to terms with being a diaper lover. I fantasized about meeting up with her and having a great discussion and coming away with not only a great deal of answers but with a friend as well. She seemed like she would be that type of person.

Though I never did get to meet her she has taught me at least one very important thing with her passing - don't put off 'til tomorrow what can be done today. It suppose that that is how she lived her life after she 'came out'.

I hope she knew of all the lives she touched of people whom she had never met. And finally, that she did make a difference.

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Does anyone have any nice photos of Heidi Lynn - I am having trouble finding them.

If you are looking for a profesional type photo I can not help you there. You might look at her web site to see if there are any photos there.

Bri Guy and I have posted several while reporting on events we have attended. I have probably 3 dozen photographs of Heidi from out little adventures. Most of them have others (non AB/DL) in them. If you look at Bri's post we "survived Long Beach" and "we survived San Deigo" you will find several photos of Heidi there.

Bri Guy had a better camera than I and might have some better photographs.



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Heidi Lynn will be missed..

I am having trouble finding the youtube videos that people have talked about... When i search i get bad music videos or retarded non related videos.. can anyone help??

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Thanks for that! Appreciate it...may I ask how she passed? I will pray for her.

We have not details as of yet as far as her passing. I will let you know more if it is appropretate or if I am even able to find out more.

You might want to try her web site for links to the various articals and news spots that have been done on her..

I have seen most of them, some of them I saw or read in their original airing or print. I know that she has not only links on her site to these articals but she has made posts about her experiances while doing the interviews.

I would not waste time looking them up as we do not know how long the web site will be up and running.

I am finding it hard to find the energy and motivation to get all of the things I would like to get done accomplished.



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