WithQuestions Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 How do you (as community members) manage having children and being a DL? My bf enjoys wearing diapers and one of my concerns is how it would be managed if we had children. When asked he had no idea how it would be managed with children in the home. Would it be something to keep hidden? How would you try to explain it to a child? Has anyone had it effect their children? Please these are genuine questions that I am trying to work out to better understand this lifestyle.
Bettypooh Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 WithQuestions, In this forum only invited members can post. Presuming that you wanted answers I am opening this thread up for everyone. PM me or any Admin if you want that changed. Bettypooh
Fozzie bear Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 I have a 2 yr old and I now but where around him and everything is put away. So my diaper time is very limited but I'm ok with that and we plan on keeping in that way till he's much older and maybe off to collage.
square_duck Posted October 27, 2012 Posted October 27, 2012 People presume that children "know better" but they in fact only know or learn from the people and surroundings around them. So wearing around kids is in reality, no big deal since thats all they know. Not until they go through (the dreaded) potty learning process, and interact with other kids and also learn to talk and tell the difference between diapers and underwear and also have an opportunity to see that different people do things a bit differently might they start to put the pieces together. At their house mommy ro daddy wears diapers...SO? don't others do the same thing?? Then they find that others don't...OK, so mommy and or daddy is WEIRD! So what?? Who here ever DIDN'T think that their parents weren't WEIRD?? every kid on the planet thinks their parent(s) are Weird....not until later in life, when they have grown up a bit do kids finally learn that in fact maybe their parents were pretty NORMAL / Average and right about a lot of stuff.....barring diapers of coarse. Will this warp a kids perception or ruin them for life and make them mass murders or a hazard to society in general? I don't think so. people tend to their small children in other fashions including in the nude so why should wearing a diaper while taking care of your kids be any different?? believe me, the lids wont care....They wear them and don't know any different...soooooo why should there be much concern? *shrug*
Bettypooh Posted October 27, 2012 Posted October 27, 2012 Disclaimer: I have no kids though I have an opinion Without being prudish, you shouldn't be letting your kids see you in any state of undress after age one. Kids have memories and will tend to emulate their parent's habits. Kids also talk among friends, so whatever your kid knows the neighborhood will soon know too- kids don't have social inhibitions until they learn them As early as possible, one should teach their kids that some people have medical problems, and that there is nothing wrong with people who have disabilities, visible or otherwise Just because Sally needs a wheelchair or Joe has epileptic seizures or someone wears diapers does not make them any less of a human that anyone else That will help you when the day comes that your diapering is discovered by them, because kids poke around into everything and no matter how careful you are, they will eventually find out everything you hide By the time I was 8, my older siblings and I knew everything that was in the house including where the keys were to the things that stayed locked If you want to hide anything from the kids, it can never enter their lives or their home in the smallest way Kids may be small but that doesn't make them stupid! Bettypooh
WetBaby66 Posted October 27, 2012 Posted October 27, 2012 I was not sure how to handle that situation but I was wearing diapers before my son was born. Once he was born we kept wondering if he would have the same problems. He was born 11 weeks early but eventually seeing me in a diaper did not phase him. I remember one time when both me and my son were standing in just a diaper with my mother-in-law and she made a comment about "looks like we both need to be changed". People who are close to me know that I wear a diaper and why. It all depends on how you will feel in a diaper around your child. If you are relaxed it will not bother him/her but if not then it will be a problem.
Jilly Poo Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 As a DL/Ab and mother of 4 myself, I don't have much of a problem keeping my diaper wearing from my children who span in age from 4 yrs old up to 18 yrs old. I have been wearing diapers off and on for fun for most of my life, especially as an adult. I have worn in front of my husband and my kids without them even knowing. Truth is, that unless people know to look, they don't, even your kids. I would treat your BF's DL desires much the same way you would treat your intimate time with him. What happens in your bedroom is between the two of you and is no one else's business and same goes for what undergarments you or he choose to wear. If you liked wearing thongs, would you parade around the house in those in front of your children (especially after the age 2), Probably not. If his desire is to wear 24/7 and be changed by you, then I am sure special circumstances would have to be put in place, like you can only change him when the children are otherwise occupied (watching tv, sleeping, etc.) And if you made it a routine event that Mommy has to change Daddy from early on, your kids wouldn't think anything different of it when they do get old enough to talk about it. If you are open with them about it, much like eventually having to have the "Sex" talk with them, you may have to have the "Diaper" talk as well. In my case, I have kept it a secret from my kids but have talked about different things that people find interesting. It helps when they watch shows like "Taboo" to start a dialogue about these things but don't share my own personal stories unless asked directly about it. I hope this helps.
ItchyTasty Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 My view on this is ab/dl fun should be kept strictly to bedroom use ONLY , hidden away somewhere children won't find them. And worn discreetly under clothes as everyday underwear when children are present. Best NOT to wear loud rustly and/or thick diapers as that would probably give yourself away.
Nat Posted November 18, 2012 Posted November 18, 2012 I think when you have children, they will find out soon or later so just say you need to wear them when they ask about it or say anything about it. Explaining to a child that some people need to wear diapers due to bedwetting or bladder or bowel problems is no different than explaining why some people wear glasses or use wheelchairs or poke themselves to test their blood sugar and giving themselves injections. But of course telling your kids that diapers are for babies and that big people don't wear them wouldn't work because daddy wears them. But some incontinent parents have managed to hide their diapers from their child for a long time until they caught them because they walked in on them or something. I had one online friend tell me one of his online friends was caught getting her diaper changed by her three year old son. His dad (her husband) was changing her. She had to explain to him why he had to learn to use the potty and why she had to wear them. He understood and there was no confusion. Kids are not stupid and they can understand more than we realize. But I am hesitant to tell them you wear them because you like to. It be freaky for them to know it's a fetish or a desire or whatever you want to call it when they hit a certain age. People have admitted online they be freaked our or creeped out if their parent wore them out of wants and would have less respect for them. If it was medical, it be a different story they say. Even AB/DLs have said online they wouldn't want to know that part about their parents. If it were medical, I am sure it be a different story for them too but I am sure they still wouldn't want to know they also like wearing them and it's sexual for them too. My son is nearly two and I am sure he knows I wear them but he doesn't seem to care and he doesn't even notice when I am changing or getting a diaper but he has caught me doing it at times. But I am trying to get in the habit of changing privately because pretty soon he will start noticing. I've stopped walking around in my diaper only because my son is aware of his surroundings and what goes on around him even if he may not understand. But if he asks about my diapers, I will tell him I need to wear them and he doesn't nor do his grandparents or his dad and it's something that stays private and he is not to tell others about it because it's not their business. Hopefully my son won't ask me why do I need them. if he does, I can just tell him some people need them because they have bladder problems or bowel problems so it makes them have accidents. Not a lie because that is the truth. I never said I had that issue after all. I just said some people have that issue. So it wouldn't really be a lie if I were to say I need to wear them and some people have bladder problems or problems with their bowels. My son doesn't need to know what my needs are and he would just assume I have bladder problems when I explain to him that is why some people wear them. Unless he asks me if that is why I wear, then I'd be lying when I say yes. My son may think for a while mommies wear diapers and then to find out other moms don't wear them. If you have a disability or a mental illness, your kid may think that is why you wear them and think you wearing them has something to do with it. They be an adult or a teen before they realize wearing diapers has nothing to do with it depending on what you have.
bobbiesueram Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 Well here we go be honest. In my case I have to wear so wearing in front of my children was not an option just a fact of life. So I never hide my diapers from them or any of my wife's 4 sisters and their children. Be live it or not none of them went off the deep end and so far as I know none of the kids were late in potty training and none of them are into diapers today. My one sister-in-law had two bed wetting girls but she was also a bed wetter so that's how that went. You must never ever be live you can hide things from kids. They are way smarter then you think so if you don't wont the kids thinking mom or dad are sickos then just let them know you wear. If you want make up a reason why what's important that they know you trust them and want them not to worrie about you. I have 2 boys and1 girl and they have no problem with dads diapers.
Forced2wet Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 My view on this is ab/dl fun should be kept strictly to bedroom use ONLY , hidden away somewhere children won't find them. And worn discreetly under clothes as everyday underwear when children are present. Best NOT to wear loud rustly and/or thick diapers as that would probably give yourself away. I agree. We have young children in the house and as such I don't get to wear very often (or as much as I used to). But that's something I deal with as I would nt want my choice of lifestyle to affect my relationship with the youngsters. Their well being will always come first!
froggy Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 An earlier site, DPF, used to constantly remind us that real children did not belong in our kink interests. I think that was a good teaching. So, I would apply that to any children. 1
superarrow Posted December 13, 2012 Posted December 13, 2012 I personally would try pretty hard to avoid my kids from being exposed to the AB/DL lifestyle. Is being blatantly AB/DL in front of your kids bad for their development? I have no idea, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. Maybe when my kid hits puberty, I would consider taking him aside and giving him a modified birds and bees talk -- specifically, using my own situation to illustrate that there's nothing wrong with (most) sexual irregularities. Maybe a year or two after puberty, since I guess kids are hitting puberty at pretty young ages these days.
WithQuestions Posted December 27, 2012 Author Posted December 27, 2012 Thank you everyone for your responses. It is very helpful to hear how other people address this issue.
Walesiswet Posted July 19, 2013 Posted July 19, 2013 I have 3 kids under 3 years old and I'm incontinent day and night. I can't hide it from them when I'm changing and laying down they just climb all over me and use my legs as slides. I can't hide 100's of diapers, legs bags and caths so I will no doubt have to deal with questions as they get older. My oldest uses the toilet now standing up, he's 3 in October, and I'm a very proud parent. My 20 month old has middle child syndrome so he's a little grubby bugger and who knows with the 4 month old. To be honest I'm not scared anymore. I would of course hide stuff away once they get the age friends are coming round but I can't stop my kids shadowing me around the house and asking questions, that's just a natural thing for them to do. I will try and teach them that its a private thing not to be talked about with other people, but, if it slips out, then so what, life is too short to worry about someone else judging me about my problem. I don't care what people will think, if they don't like it then you don't have to talk to me or associate with me at all.
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