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  1. Unless the anonymous source has a name or better yet has sufficient evidence than just word of mouth then there is nothing credible with anything getting leaked to the press as they just like to bs everyone. Seriously no joke, CNN I think it was did a story on the President having 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert while everyone else only had 1. If that isn't a blatant national security threat then I don't know what is. Russia just might corner the ice cream market just to watch the press go into another frenzy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. First off Putin isn't the President of the United States, so your question is invalid! Secondly don't believe everything the media tells you. [emoji55] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Any players out there and if so which format do you play most?
  4. Wow it's been forever and a day since I made a post in this tread. Looks like I'm winning now! [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I stay clear of those ads while on FaceBook! Always trying to sell you something.
  6. A leaky diaper gets you disqualified from "The Last Post Wins" As for the game itself, it took on a mind of its own! Freswith you haven't won so quit gloating! As it stands right now it seems I am the rightful WINNER! Trophy is already in my trophy display case right next to a frog head mounted plaque given to me by the Queen of England for the best southern cajon frog legs tournament! She used Freswith's cousin's head for the bronzed dipped head on the award! Btw, I WIN!!!
  7. Go watch "Two girls, one cup" for my reference to my post of "Two losers, one cup"! Google it, if you dare! I'm WINNING!!!
  8. Two losers, one cup! And that isn't tea! WINNING, once again!
  9. Wow that's how it's gonna be? Well let me have a lick of that trophy so I can go crap in Freswith's Lilly pad! I WIN!!!
  10. Still not funny, but I'm still WINNING!
  11. Ummm Freswith, that's not very funny! That's a very insensitive comment to make such a comparison between my ego and what happened 12 years ago! Sad that you will make a statement such as that! I expected something clever and funny! Not that kind of rubbish! Sadly I will have to claim winning after that rubbish you posted!
  12. All lies Freswith! Just like your coloring book that you claimed was the official rule book for "Last Post Wins"! Seems your meds are in full effect, considering the grand delusions you are having! CDLover, there is only room for one American on the podium to take 1st place and that would be me! Now back to business. You all are now losing! WINNER, WINNER, chicken dinner right here! WINNING!!!!
  13. Freswith why must you keep lying to yourself! Is it due to selfesteem issues from losing so much? You can't top the video footage of you committing the crime to murder the Queen like you did with your cousin! You confessed to both already. Why beat yourself up? Just give yourself up to the police and you will get your own little tank to be in for the rest if your days! Oh and the Queen did give me permission to turn St. James Park into the St. James Royal Parking lot! CDLover saw the beginning phases with the pond getting dried up and back fill is on the way! I have all the required construction permits. You should have hot the eviction notice last week which were sent to your neighbors! They had a town hall meeting to discuss the park and they all came to agreement on the Royal Parking lot to be constructed! I've heard a few citizens say they are happy about this change due to the noise complaints they made over the years with you squatting in the pond! We will see the noise complaints go and crimes made by amphibians will drop by 247% by this time next year. Seems everyone has about had it with amphibian squatters!
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