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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Fulldiaper last won the day on May 18 2013

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About Fulldiaper

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  • Diapers
    Adult Baby
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    as instructed by Mommy

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    Sioux Falls, SD
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  1. There is a simple solution. Load Grammarly onto your computer and it will guide you with spelling, and grammar usage.
  2. Please don't leave us hanging, and continue soon.
  3. First I have to say this. I applaud you for wanting to include her in your circle. The best way that I have found to expose your Fetish to a partner, or potential partner is in what I call an exploratory state. We all have fantasies, sexual and otherwise. Setup a dinner date night with dinner out, maybe a glass of wine, and then return to your/her/ apartment/house and continue sipping wine and discussing your life goals, dreams, aspirations in life, and also sexual fantasies. Let her go first and never ever be judgmental or confrontational when talking about these things. Listen with an open mind, and loving heart. She is about to expose her deepest and most darkest thoughts. You might find out that she has more in common with you than you ever dreamed of. When it's your turn you could start the conversation with something like: have you thought about what type of man you're looking to have a family with? Or are more nurturing, or domineering in the bedroom? These questions are probing, yet non alarming. You may find she is Dominant and looking for a submissive male partner. If she is seeking a Dominant male partner you may find she doesn't mind switching from time-to-time. She may also be into role playing and when she sees how much the diapers turn you on, it could trigger her maternal instincts, but also make her horney as all get out. Thereby knowing how and when she can get you aroused to use you for her enjoyment. This also can leave to games in public that will keep you on edge and she may be into orgasm denial and keeping you diapered as a type of chastity. Take it slow and don't rush her. Women process differently than men do. Plant the seed, and let her mind cultivate the idea until it's ready for harvest.
  4. Being a baby 24/7/365 is a logistical and financial disaster waiting to happen. It would strain any relationship as it will be a one-sided where all the baby would do is take, take, take eventually draining the caregiver and more than likely leading to ill feelings from caregiver to any other potential AB/DL caregiver relationship for a long time, if ever again. Wearing 24/7 is one thing, but regressing to infantile mentality with no adult interaction might be a fantasy for many, and there it should lie. I have been blessed to have partners who were willing to try 24/7 diaper discipline and when the decision to stop was made it was welcome by both of us. The first time you leak in public its very embarrassing to say the least. When your older people are more understand than when you're younger and should have been long out of the diaper stage, unless you are a special needs person, or medically incontinent. Most incontinent people don't flood their diapers. It's more of a constant dribble for most, or spurts from stress, or strain. Doing 24/7 completely as a baby also could take a physical toll on your caretaker also. It will definitely have a mental toll on them over time. I see many younger men and women wanting someone to take care of them for the rest of their lives, which is possible, but financially it would be nearly impossible unless you were a trust fund baby with unlimited financial resources to hire professional caretakers, a CNA, or candy striper type of person that was used to emptying bed pans and changing charges. You could probably hire someone part/full-time for $15.00 to $20.00 to take care of you, but nothing sexual. I know for me when I was younger there were pipe dreams of being 24/7 in the care of a Dommy Mommy FemDom Woman. But as I have aged and had four strokes, two heart-attacks along with open heart surgery wearing diapers is now a common place for me due to the diuretics I take to keep the fluid off my heart so I don't get into congestive heart failure, and also the GI bleed I had that dropped hemoglobin to 5 now has burdened me with gastral intestinal IBS-D at times when I think I have bloating gas, it isn't gas at all,, and I get to fill my diapers. Finding someone who will take care of a person 24/7 requires love, and dedication from that person as it means give up pretty much what they ever want from life to dedicate their time to taking care of the baby. This is a loving mother who's son/daughter was born with some physical disability that requires the level of care. A casual encounter with some random person isn't going to want the financial burden, or physical and mental stress of caring for an adult for the rest of their lives, under 99% of the time. So, it will remain a fantasy for most.
  5. sometimes those burps get together and say, "Let's be stinkies and go out the back door".
  6. Any one brave enough to join, or start a Zoom group for us Dakotan's?
  7. interesting, veryyyyy interessssssting. I do hope there is more?
  8. Now the question is, will he rat her out to his employer? I can't wait to read more. Thank you for writing this.
  9. I like it so far, please do continue.
  10. I applaud you for wanting to make his experience better, and you enjoy it also. The thing about having kids, especially teenage ones is they see, and notice everything, and that's no exaggeration either. So discretion is of the utmost, but here is a scenario you could try since he works out of town. Have him take diapers and all the other items he needs for little space to the motel with him and he has to check-in with Mommy at bedtime through Skype, or Zoom to prove that he is obeying Mommy's rules. You can tell him stories, or just chat in the forum of your choosing from the comfort and security of your beds. You can have him also contact you in the morning and do virtual diaper checks by having in model for you to see the front and rear of his diaper. If he's been good and soaked his diaper, you could give him a supervised Happy Ending to send him to the shower for work, and if he hasn't, make him wear it that day for work with NO potty privileges. If you want to punish him you could have him take suppositories with him, and at your instruction insert one, or more in the evening, or to really punish him have him insert them before he goes to work and no potty with a diaper check when he returns to the motel. On the trip home you can have him diaper up and if you want to have him make you a present, you could have him take an enema, or suppository before leaving for home by plane or whatever means of transportation he uses. If you really want to capture his attention you could also place him in chastity while he's away at work insuring no Happy Endings unsupervised by Mommy. At home just love pats on his rear and comments like, "Oh my we need to get that fixed right now." and then escort him into the bedroom and diaper him, and let him wear adult clothes over them, but occasionally do discrete diaper checks. It will drive him wild, and it's fun for you too. Before you change him make him give you either an oral orgasm, breastfeed with a manual orgasm or ride him on the changing table before a fresh diaper.
  11. Interesting, please do continue.
  12. It is better to enter the Kingdom with one eye since you plucked it out, than to have both eyes if they offend God with them. It also goes for your hands, or feet if they carry you into sin. Spiritually though we as Christian's also have the ability to ask for forgiveness because Jesus said, "How many times do I forgive and turn the other cheek?" Seven times, and Jesus replied, "I say not, but seventy times seven times." The Bible is clear that when we become born again believers that we are in the world, but not of this world. John 3:16 and more For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. What shall we say then shall we continue in sin. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?
  13. The war between good and evil isn't fought in the flesh. It's against powers and principalities of the mind. The war of mind is where Christ wins, or loses. If you're mind is on Christ, and Christ like goals, then you are good to go if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, and personal Savior. The only thing required to enter Heaven is to be a born again believer. You can't work your way into heaven, nor can you do enough good deeds alone. Good men and women are going to be cast into the lake of fire on judgement day because if their name DOES NOT appear in the Lamb's book of life, Jesus will say depart me from me, I never knew you. No matter how GOOD you think you are it isn't enough EVER! The Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 'Romans 3.23' Not he or she, but ALL have sinned.
  14. God's greatest commandment was from Jesus to love one another as yourself. You don't have to love the sin, but we are to love the sinner as God loved us to send Jesus to be our payment for our sins on the cross. Whether or not wearing diapers is, or isn't a sin isn't for us to judge. That will be done by God on our day of judgement the only thing that will matter is when the Father asks, "Does that name appear in the Lamb's book of Life?" If it does, we will be admitted into heaven for eternity, and if the name does NOT appear Jesus will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you." and into the lake of fire you will be cast for all eternity. The Bible is very clear in this, and this alone is all that is needed to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with God, and Jesus.
  15. That particular passage of scripture is referring to a child's faith in believing that which s/he can not see or touch, but they believe. It's like their imaginary friends when they are small that keep them safe, or play with them. To them they are as real as you and I are. A child like faith is not corrupted with thoughts of sexual deviance when they are children, their minds are pure. When they look at Mommy they see Mommy, not a MILF, or T&A...it's just Mommy. As a child learns, and becomes more sexually active the other thoughts start entering their minds. It's like a Rorschach Image test a child will see butterflies, or ponies, or puppies, whereas an adult will see more mature, or sometime even evil and bizarre things. Children play make believe and they can envision the imagery necessary to accomplish the transitions to be the cowboy, police man, princess, warrior etc.
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