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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Dr_J last won the day on November 27 2018

Dr_J had the most liked content!

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    Adult Baby
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    Depends on how I'm feeling.

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  1. I absolutely loved Gluntz' character. I'm not sure why! But it really was a surprising show, as like you said, some of the adaptations have been mediocre at best.
  2. I saw it and thoroughly enjoyed it, from start to finish! Very funny, really strange and fun artwork, and a great plot!
  3. I love it (and you)!
  4. I know @mamabugposted it, but in case you missed it, she and I are engaged! ❤️❤️❤️ :):) So glad we found each other on here and it worked out the way it did! Here's to the future! :)

    1. mamabug


      I love you! ❤️ 

    2. Dr_J


      And I love you! <3 

    3. ~Brian~



      Congrats to you BOTH - May you enjoy the road ahead, full of twists, turns, and chalenges :)


  5. I love you, baby boy ❤️ I can't wait to spend some quality time with you later on! You're one of the best things to have happened to me :) I'm so lucky to be your mommy! 

    1. Dr_J


      I love you too, Mommy! <3 I had such an amazing time with you this weekend!!! You're the very best!

  6. Hey, everyone! I know it's been a while. Nothing too new to report, just saying hello and that I'm okay! 

  7. Welcome aboard!!!
  8. I'm going to agree with @diaperguy85. Years ago, I had one ex attempt to message me, and it was the same thing. The memories were not good, she caused a lot of heartache and pain, so rather than even entertain the idea of letting her back into my life, I denied the request and blocked her. While I am a big proponent of getting closure and forgiving those who have hurt me, I am also a big proponent of not forgetting the things those people did. It is not worth drudging up the old memories.
  9. 2 updates:

    1.) Chapter 3 of my new story is complete! 

    2.) My music EP has a release date of 11/14/2020! :) 

  10. I have a question that I'm hoping a mod or admin might be able to answer for me, as I've seen this happen on here and have been seeing it happen on other social media sites. What are the rules in here about using someone else's work as your own, or for your own personal gain? For instance, if someone were to take someone else's artwork, slap their own captions and book titles on it to promote their own book, without the artists' permission, what is the protocol for this? Do we report it? Being a writer and a musician myself, I'd be legitimately upset if someone ran around using my music or, using a short story of mine in their own compilation without asking me or working out a compensation plan first. So I guess I now have 2 questions: 1.) If it's happening here, in this community, how do we go about getting that member to stop doing this? 2.) If it is NOT happening here on DD, but we know the member is doing this elsewhere, is there any particular protocol for that? Thanks in advance for your help!
  11. Have a great Thursday, everyone! :)

  12. Dr_J


    Hello, and welcome!
  13. Welcome aboard!!
  14. Hey there, fellow writers and readers. Just giving you an update: Chapter 3 is now in the works of my next story. This is the one that I will not be sharing until it is completely finished, so not to leave you lovely folks hanging for too long between chapters. :)

  15. Yeah, definitely a bit out of my price range. I occasionally treat myself, but man, some of these that I want to try are way more expensive than I'd like to spend!
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