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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. Kari

    Baby Girl Kari

  2. It makes me irritated to see sellers online price gouge "vintage" diapers. Vintage is a subjective word. What does vintage actually mean? I understand collectible or retro diapers are of value to some. But to be peddled at a premium seems to be just greedy IMHO . Take, for example the Pampers Cruisers Diapers I had. There were 100 Pampers Cruisers Diapers in a box all size seven (7) A seller on eBay is currently offering a box of 88 for 900 bucks! Is that fair? Someone will probably pay that much for them. Perhaps its just economics 101 in play and I shouldn't judge. As for my my irritation. It could just be a bad case of diaper rash.
  3. Love these, but kinda out of my price range. Sure they are worth it, however.🥰
  4. Bet those are worth something to a diaper collector. Had no idea Pampers 7 were plastic backed.
  5. Looking through my archived posts this morning. I wanted to bump this one because I wanted to share it again. Still wearing ATN's. However, haven't made them cute like these for some time. Perhaps this post would be useful for someone into DIY diaper projects. I had fun doing it. Might do it again soon. Have a good Wednesday everyone!😊
  6. Looking through my archived posts this morning. This is an old one for sure. Four years ago! However, I did decide to give this case of Pampers diapers to charity. They were taking up space and I didn't know how to price and sell them. As someone in the thread said, not vintage but they could be in demand. Not sure why I'm replying to my own post from 2020. Perhaps for myself. Overall, I'm glad about what I did.
  7. Hello, I'm Tobias, you posted pictures of me many years ago, the pictures with the pampers tattoo! these are still visible and i would like to ask you to delete them, they can be found on search engines because you posted them, please delete these 2 pictures of me
    1. Kari


      Just now seeing this posting from May 23, 2023.
      I believe you are mistaken. I have no recollection of this.
      However, If you could provide a source, I'll be happy to take care of it.👍

  8. Hi all... Wanted to tag myself to this thread since I have someone interested in my unopened package of 18 Attends Waistband Briefs in Large. Have no idea what they're worth. But I believe I purchase mine new in the mid to late 2000's. They have 6 tapes and the UPC Code is: 086679248981 if that helps. Also see them still selling at retail outlets online. So I'm trying to figure out why they're in demand.
  9. In 1987 I got out on my own and bought a box of XL Pampers. They just came out and I was excited to be able to wear diapers again. They almost fit but then again they didn't stretch like today's Pampers do. So I had to either stuff them in my undies or use tape to wear them. It didn't matter. I loved Pampers as a Toddler and still love them.? Edit: Reading this thread is making me feel old. LOL Mentions of Pull-Ups and GoodNites by the younger generation... Pull-Ups came on the scene in 1989. GoodNites in 1994. Toddler Pampers came in a purple/pink box back in the day. Also, Pampers needed diaper pins until about 1972 before tapes.
  10. Well this is just embarrassing...? Guess I jumped off the wagon when Covid-19 started.
  11. LOL... I do that too. Don't want to waste a good diaper.
  12. Yep! A waterproof pad is a must unless you want leaks to get on furniture. I have a supply of the washable pads I use. The disposable ones shift around and don't work out well. As far as Abenas, I think they are equivalent in absorbancy to the MegaMax diapers. Never compared the capacities. And for less than a buck fifty, you're definitely getting your $$ worth. I love good quality coffee. I was considering getting a French press to make coffee.
  13. I've had a long term problem attempting to purge old images so that I may upload new attachments. Tried getting rid of practically everything, but it still says I'm maxed out. Any solutions that can be suggested to solve this issue? Thanks!
  14. It's Friday night and I'm alone with a case of beer and wearing a NorthShore MegaMax. Drinking makes me pee and I like to test the limits of these super absorbent diapers. Even with plastic pants, they start leaking between 4-6 hours. I've also done the same with coffee. I just like to chill out and wet my diaper. Unfortunately, coffee is a diuretic and I don't care for dirty diapers personally.
  15. I've been holding on to a large box of Pampers Cruisers size 7 since 2011. Not sure if they are considered "Vintage", but the style if discontinued. I want to get a good price on them. But I don't know what they're worth either. Shipping a large box is also rather expensive. So I'm trying to find the best way to ship if I sell them. Here's a description of what I have... UPC: 037000513087 Pampers Cruisers Diapers Size 7 Economy Pack 100 Count Here's an Amazon link I found in Spanish, but the box looks identical. Pampers Cruisers Diapers Size 7  Economy Pack 100 Count Any idea how in demand these are? I've never seen this particular package with 100 diapers available since they were discontinued. Any constructive input about these would be appreciated. Thanks!
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