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mahleedl last won the day on January 5 2013

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About mahleedl

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  1. I wouldn’t go back. There are challenging moments, but they’re honestly rare, and this is who I’m meant to be. For me, this was never fantasy. It was just accepting who I am.
  2. It’s thematically quite different in a lot of ways, especially in that there’s no power dom character, but if you haven’t read Butterflies, do yourself a favor and go do it now.
  3. Nomadic, I hope all is well. It worries me that you were planning to post within the week and haven’t posted in two months. I love this story, but if it takes a year between posts to get it right, that’s ok. It’s not the interval that worries me, it’s that it seems unexpected.
  4. Ermm…. Could you ask that another way? I don’t understand the question.
  5. I am so dying to read another page, or preferably pages! … ? Erghhhh!!! /BitesFingernails
  6. I find your ideas intriguing, and wish to subscribe to your news letter!
  7. Is this a re-edit of the Nov 27 post? Great installment, regardless!
  8. I’ve heard of a cliff hanger and all, but wow! Mid-sentence?! Lol! I’m loving this story, btw!
  9. I realized I was still rocking the 2019 sticker, lol! You’re welcome. This place is home, so I’m glad to help
  10. Just checked. They measure 34-35” long depending on how tight I pull them, and 28” wide at both the front and rear waistline. I’m 5’9” tall. Since switching to MegaMax, my weight has ranged from a high of 230 lb to a low of 200 lb, and waist from 34” to 40”. The the lowest end (200 lb, 34”) they’re pretty big on me. Around 38-40” they’re perfect. YRMV
  11. Ermmmm... uh. Oh dear...!
  12. “No more ban on kissy stuffs.” /blink OMG! *so* good! God I love this story!
  13. Woohoo!!! So much woohoo! XD
  14. “Butterflies” is SO the perfect title for this! And I love how it just kind of finds its way into all kinds of scenes, in all kinds of contexts. Masterful!
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