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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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blitz1027 last won the day on December 4 2014

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  1. If you have told me that two months ago I’d say that’s excessive. But after all of this, you sound like you know exactly what you’re doing
  2. Currently the only person that seems to care other than myself is the bank teller. She’s been calling the bank security team and such. But nothing has happened yet
  3. Everything is locked now. I went by my bank yesterday to ask about some charges that starting popping up a couple days ago. The teller looked them up and found that someone was physically in a store in Texas using my debit card. It was absolutely crazy since my debit card was brand spanking new. I’ve had it literally less than a month and have never used it online. they red flagged my card and confiscated it. Gotta go today and get a new one. Never in my life did I ever think my life would turn out like this
  4. Thanks for the condolences guys. I’m at the point where I literally can’t even afford to go buy bread at Walmart. I’ve never had my life turned so upside down
  5. My wife had her debit card linked to Apple Pay. So they just withdrew it straight from our account Yeah she’s the one I’m currently eyeballing the hardest right now. She seems to be the most suspicious here. Trying to figure out how she could have possibly gotten my info
  6. Thanks for the info. I’ve filed the police reports and such. But I’ve been so fried over all this that I don’t know if I’m coming or going
  7. I sincerely hope I do. But so far no one seems to care about the problem enough to help me. im going to the bank today to raise a bit of cane in hopes of something getting accomplished
  8. well, it happened to me. My identity has been stolen and my life savings is gone. Someone hacked my Apple Pay, credit card and god knows what else and transferred almost my entire life’s savings out of it my bank and It was sent to various numbers and email addresses. This is insane, because my “identity theft protection” didn’t alert it stop any of this from happening. My entire life has been destroyed by someone behind a computer. I also found out today that I’ve apparently filed for unemployment in both California and Nevada. Which is strange since I work a full time job in Louisiana. Let me tragedy serve as a warning to others. Minimize your online presence. Because currently my bank, credit card and apple are all pointing fingers at each other and don’t care to help me recover my stolen funds. As much as my pride doesn’t want to ask, I’ve started up a go fund me to help cover bills until these investigations are done. if anyone could share it to help I’d be most appreciative. https://gofund.me/eae24489
  9. Thank you guys for all of your replies. I agree you have to be extra EXTRA careful since it’s very easy to get taken advantage of if you’re not careful. She has sent other images but even then I’m not one to try and share those images.
  10. does anyone recognize her? This is the image she sent of “herself”
  11. Agreed. Seems super fishy to me. That’s why I posted here to see if any of you other fine baby’s had heard of her
  12. North shore megamax diapers are the only thing I’ve worn that doesn’t clump. I wear the north shore supremes as my daily diaper and they don’t clump badly, but I’ve never had a megamax clump at all
  13. She’s an online mommy who contacted me and has been chatting. I was just curious if anyone has ever dealt with her before. She claims to have a fully stocked nursery and such and has been taking care of ABdls for 8 years
  14. I have recently been in contact with an online mommy named mommy Marie. Has anyone else ever heard of her or dealt with her?
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