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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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BabyTara last won the day on November 19 2013

BabyTara had the most liked content!

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    Adult Baby
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Diaper Royalty (7/7)



  1. I love just about anything from http://www.svtea.com/ I like loose tea with novelty infusers. I have a strawberry, a "Deep tea" diver, a rose, and a few others. I drink most of them hot and without additions, but some of them are good with a splash of milk and/or some Splenda. I have an electric kettle I use to heat my water.
  2. Freddy and Henry are the sweetest tabbys.

  3. BabyTara


    http://www.cooshietooshiez.com/ sells Rearz products in the US. They're in UT.
  4. Take it easy, Mr. Bossman.
  5. EEEEEKKKKKKK! I hope you're better soon!
  6. AB Chiropractic. Hehe.
  7. Your age puts this site at risk of being shut down. It's nothing personal. Just come back when you're 18.
  8. When you block a user, does it prevent them from seeing your profile and posts, or does it just make them disappear to you?
  9. The product I ordered was clearly represented as "Adult Frilly Ankle Socks". https://www.awwsocute.com/adult_baby_socks/Adult%20Frilly%20Ankle%20Socks The product I received clearly says they are for children.
  10. Again disappointed by Aww So Cute. They sent me
  11. You shouldn't kick babies.
  12. Look at the sizing chart for the brand you want. Go by your waist/hips- whichever is larger.
  13. You can still pee.
  14. For the dog, and the intense specialized training. That's actually pretty reasonable for
  15. No, he will be a Psychiatric Service Dog.
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