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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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    Adult Baby
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    5 and still in diapers

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    50 something

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  1. I have REARZ training pants on and they are great! Plastic panties are a must though. They are not very absorbent.
  2. I have always had a thing for cloth diapers and plastic pants. I remember when I was young, in the summertime there were kids in the neighborhood who played outside in their diapers and I wished I could!
  3. I'm in a cloth pull-up diaper and yellow plastic pants.
  4. I agree on the P & G Attends. I also liked the original green Depends.
  5. 5. My family knows and I wear diapers outside quite a bit. When I retire I'm moving away and then I won't care anymore.
  6. thumbs up!
  7. I haven't owned underwear in years. Unless you call training pants underwear.
  8. Cloth diapers & plastic pants. I still use them today.:)
  9. I've been using the nylon taffeta pants from Babykins. They are definitely cooler than vinyl and I haven't had any problems with leaks. I just wish they came in prints.
  10. I wear babykins all the time. Their pants are very roomy. I’m wearing the taffeta ones now over a cloth diaper and the fit is excellent!
  11. I think I am both AB & DL. Though I like being a diapered toddler best.
  12. I wear medium size taffeta pants from BabyKins. They are super comfortable and roomy enough for my cloth diapers.
  13. I have always liked wearing diapers and plastic pants. I have never totally been out of diapers. I just enjoy wearing them.
  14. I believe there are more than you think. Some just don't like to talk about it.
  15. Cloth diaper, plastic pants and a tshirt. Year round.
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