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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Repaid1 last won the day on March 30 2016

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  1. I just caught a re-air tonight so sorry I am late but It's S01E06 "Sheesh! Cab, Bob". It doesn't come up till about the last 3-4 minutes of the show. It is straight up that whoever wrote it knows very well of the AB/DL community.
  2. WOW!!! Welcome back!!! ?

  3. Sorry guy come back in December, you must be 18 to join this site...Rules are Rules..Please don't try and rejoin under new name then I will just ban your I.P. and you can't ever join.
  4. Well Darn it. I had one left of the old style for keepsake for several months. I ended up using it in a emergency road trip the first of this month. Anyway just found out on a whim they were in stock on Amazon...So I checked your site and sure enough there they were. I reset my AutoShip at your fine establishment, then came here to let the "Gang" know. Only to find out they have been out since middle November according to one post. States they "Seem" a bit smaller, a bit thinner and there is a cloth like coating over the outside tape only. So, again contacting your stellar service, they are sending me a sample (2?) of the new series...Hurray! If all goes good then good News, Bad news for you guys.. As I will switch from your brand of Supremes, and go back to the 24/7s that served me well for so many years, so you retain my business and autoship ? . Again just preference as you Supreme's are a excellent diaper (For you all that haven't tried them, I suggest you do, as well as the Megamax series) So Cheers to NorthShore/Adam for stocking this brand again in small. Will update when I get the samples to give full report as to any changes whether good/bad.
  5. Just noticed today...Missed the above post...They are back at NorthShore and Amazon in small. Will get a pack and see what they did to them.
  6. I know you promised to update, but just checking in...are these gone for good? BTW I have got a few samples of your own fine briefs and I use the Supreme now with a booster, but just a bit of a pain to retro fit all those with a booster plus cost. I have sent multiple emails to the company and they don't bother to respond at all. Wondering if you have a inside source or they are just giving all of us the cold shoulder. While I imagine Small isn't the best seller, I have to believe that they do sell well enough to produce and sell. I was going to request a sample of the Megas in the new blue but hate to keep bothering you guys over there. Take care. Tim p.s. your customer service is OUTSTANDING!!!
  7. Sorry if I spread false news then Adam. But I was told that in The Chat help, but don't recall the lady who told me. I had them set up as a auto shipment for many months then received a notice from your staff that the shipment was pulled and to try another product. I shopped around to find some in stock, but seems everyone has deleted their inventory. I will check back with this thread now and then. If possible please update "us" if you hear anything further.
  8. I already posted in the Dry Care thread...but for those of you who relied on DryCare/Confidry 24/7's I have heard from the gang at North Shore that their manufacture sold the machine that produced the small size and they can't get anymore...everyone is either out of stock already or soon will be..Amazon has a few left...so if you want them get them now! Another darn producer of a excellent small product and discontinued.
  9. Well, Bummer off all bummers. I switched to Dry Cares (Confidry 24/7) a few years ago when Molicare started messing with their products. Well Bad news Folks, They have sold the Machine that makes the smalls, so NO More Smalls...get them while you can if you can...already hard to find.. I ordered two cases off AMAZON but most of the suppliers that carried them are already out.
  10. Does that work for you or do you want the 2017 version with the Pin and Baby Banker?? Not sure why your got unintentionally skipped over, I just stumbled on this post and hooked you up. PM me if you want the other.
  11. Well then Brandon, Your on a roll, threaten me again, BTW your suspended from posting until Dec 31. I suggest you take this time and reflect on your actions. And word of advice NEVER erase my posts. I never threatened you before but I can assure you any more violations and you will be Banned and your IP stripped from the site, Happy Holidays! And before you even think about superseding this restriction and joining under another name..I would suggest that you not. If you do you, Admin will be alerted and you will be Perma-Banned by me or whoever gets to you first. All other Mods and site owner have been notified. Again have a lovely Holiday Season.
  12. Why would you want to say something like that, let alone do it. Trust me have been there, done it and it isn't a easy road to come back from. Don't let others influence you. You have diapers and they make you happy. Go about your life in knowing you have a small shred of happiness that they will never know. Real friends are hard to come by, those that are a true friend will not judge you. There is someone out there that is looking for someone just like you, it would be best for you to remain so that you don't leave them on the endless hunt. Take peace in knowing that you are never alone, you do have friends here on DD, maybe you have never met them, but you have them and one day you will see the bigger picture. BTW I have it on good authority that there are no Diapers in Heaven.
  13. Interesting, I'm in Piedmont and would have never thought anyone in this area would be a AB as well.
  14. Perhaps rather than to report a member for simply looking up the religion in Wiki and taking offense for them posting the link and the "header line". You could rather go to Wiki and report and adjust information there, which is exactly what Wiki is made for. Can't exactly shoot the messenger in this case. He posted nothing more than what it describes there. I see no harm nor foul. As a Christian I have never observed the practice of communion (Blood and Body) in the last 30 years. Not every Christian religion is the same, just as perhaps your isn't as well. It's better to go to the source (Wiki) and correct what you feel is in error than to debate it here. Just my two cents. Not sticking up for Elfy here by no means, but the term Troll has a few meanings and calling someone on the internet doesn't necessarily mean to be harmful, more so a correction is required to intent of statement, or causing a disruption, which is why DD said not to make post like that. To clarify, he said trolling OR, so he never called you a troll, he had information available to him and used it. There is to be intelligent conversation, the only way one can get that is by discussing in a calm collective way, again I don't see where you initially provided any reference to your practicing, therefore why he and others (Such as myself) Googled it. IF Mikes rule was this forum is for Christians only than it seems the OP's post would be considered not in following that rule as well. Seeing that was adjusted now though. again not taking sides just stating as I see it, so not taking any action.
  15. What in the world are you on about, this has never happened before in the US, let alone many times. And as for the people giving blood...a kind and humanitarian act. But the hospitals in Vegas requested that you not do so there. They have Blood and supplies they need. But Blood can always be used. For Mexico, Puerto Rico ect....Let's not forget those that suffer elsewhere from the recent natural disasters.
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