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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Crimson_Wolf last won the day on March 20 2010

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  1. Yes I usually get them in the winter too. Get yourself saline nasal gel and with a qtip swav your nose.
  2. I've ordered from them and they come in plain brown boxes. Totally discreet.
  3. Looks like someone opened it. That's not a packer or FedEx driver throwing it around.
  4. I hate them both. They seem to be just trolling and in the 2A one could get you killed. There was a news article about the 1A auditors doing it just for youtube hits and money.
  5. Just buy the Lego set of The Capital Buimding. You'll have The FBI at your door in no time.
  6. Happy Birthday. Hope it was a great one.
  7. It's a regular solid crosshair. I want to get a mil dot scope for easier corrections.
  8. I would love to get into it. I have a Remington 700 with a Magpul Hunter chasis in .308. And have a Burris 9x18 in 50mm. But with the ammo shortage I haven't been able to shoot that much. And the range I go to has 200 yards and a 300 yarder for reservations only.
  9. Messed about 40 minutes ago. I don't do it often but I do give it a try. Nothing amazing but it something that I could get used to although clean up is a bit of a hassle.
  10. Update to that story. That publication did not get the permission of the person and they have taken legal action.
  11. I think tuis is from someone's tumblr account. And the person described the events.
  12. I don't know why people are railing against Luke. Here's a guy that had a future planned out and all of a sudden is transported to another dimension and is now a little. All of his hard work presumably has gone to rot and from what he has heard has all been negative. So I can see why he has a certain disdain for the Amazons even though he's in a good situation. Now for trying to get "acclimated", it didn't help that Alyson was treating Luke as a little instead of treating him like a regular person and leaving him alone to paint. He also seems to show that he has come to accept to a degree his situation. Erin is going to probably let him try to be independent until he gets tired of climbing up many things or walking long distances. And for seeing how Erin lives her lifestyle, it might be good for both of them sonce it seems she doesn't eat as healthy as she could. And he even may have a sense of fashion that can improve her looks.
  13. Taking any type of medication to help achieve any incontinence isn't recommended. You should just drink water or eat watermelon before going to bed. I would look into the 12 month diaper training program.
  14. Yeah this is your Deus Ex Machina. Dont be afraid to tell him and explain why you like being babied
  15. You probably scratched your cornea. Hope you went to a optomologist so you can get eye drops. Happened to me while cooking and it cleared up within a day or two.
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