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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Bedwetter (4/7)



  1. 43
  2. yes...
  3. I finaly got my first cloth diaper , I can't believe how confortable it is. I wore it overnight and only had 1 small leak. I just have to learn the best way to fold it .Any tips would be greatly apprieciated .
  4. I just ordered my first cloth diaper. I'm counting down the days till it gets here. I can't wait to try it out !
  5. Welcome to the site.
  6. I would be a medium.
  7. I'd also be interested .
  8. Being peed on or peeing on someone else is the ultimate erotic experience for me. I have done both many times in the past, but unfortunately I haven't been able to do it recently.
  9. Hi. Hope your finding lots of comfort and new friends !
  10. I've been wearing for 4 weeks 24/7 . I've noticed that i don't even try to hold it in.The worst part for me is leaking at night and having to wash the bedding.
  11. I am having trouble loading a pic for my avatar.
  12. Every time i try to upload a picture i get this message "Failed to set a new photo" any help would be greatly appriecated .
  13. A soaking wet,droopy molicare.
  14. DL JAY


    Good to have you here. You'll meet lots of great people .
  15. Closet shelf.
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