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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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    Grand Prairie, TX
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  1. yes switch is switching roles. I think all people should be switch its not fair to just to ask someone to do your think and not do theres
  2. would love to help but not spending money on anymore games. If it was truely free to play i would get into it. Maybe i dont know i cant get past the stigma of that game being for uber nerds
  3. sweetandsensitiveguy


    your so lucky to have a body like that to fit in those
  4. sweetandsensitiveguy


    wish i was that thin to fit in pampers
  5. very lovely
  6. see i dont get why you would want to i used to buy vitnage pampers. had the pampers phases walkers girls like this one selling for cheap http://www.ebay.com/itm/NR-Vintage-Pampers-for-Girls-Walker-2-1992-/130818147022?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e755e82ce had the ones with the muppet babies Frankly only one i missed out on getting was the pull-ups pampers did in the 80s But if you cant fit in them and your gf cant fit in them all they do is take up space and if your not going to sell them for higher later i dont get the point
  7. must be nice but cost alot to pay the people to care for you
  8. not going till this friday my birthday and my pastor asked me what i would like to do so i said its free lets go so after i go i will let you know but my interest may be different from you i like the egyptian exibits
  9. that might be a dead giveaway use abu cushies seeing how if you just bought like depends or something plain or maybe even one of those gag over the hill diapers hopefully it goes well but i wouldnt do it with an abu
  10. well seeing how i stopped game besides for the marvel avengers alliance fb game i am really looking forward to marvel heroes mmo plays like diablo
  11. question i am used to samples being like 2 and some places 5 diapers if they are mixed so how many samples for each shipment. Also the Abena is it cloth or plastic back i think i recall people saying the were moving to cloth material
  12. im sorry you people have a problem with me but for being nearly blind sometimes i see things differently than you do if you got a problem with it then you need to get a life thats the problem with you people got to put people down who have handicaps Have fun explaining why you put down someone being nearly blind and whatever else you do thats rude to your maker
  13. i dont get it how people can play games nowadays with the cost of it, the anger it brings when you lose to someone over and over Gaming used to be fun when it was single player and two players but when they threw in co-op and mp thats where gaming went downhill reason i sold my ps3 off console gaming is dying and it needs a boost if only onlive would have taken off alot more than it has
  14. http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2012/11/27/dallas-museum-of-art-returns-to-free-general-admission/
  15. really only junk food i care about are honey buns if the ever go then its the end of the world
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