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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Eir last won the day on September 9 2013

Eir had the most liked content!


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  • Diapers
    Adult Kid
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    LG (Little Girl)
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    Between 4 and 8.

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  1. Hi read ur post i love getting messy wet fully clothed

  2. While no longer technically an AB, I want a strong, dominant woman to pin me down and blow raspberries on my belly until I blush. And yes, I must absolutely get teased for blushing and be called tomato cheeks.

  3. ^Lol, I have used ABDL as a means to an end. But I still have, and have always had, a pronounced little side.
  4. Gentlemen, For all of you with male bodies, you know that there are times when we must protect our male propriety. It is a simple fact that humans inhabiting the male gender must bear the whims of this beast. When you see a perfect 10, she says something, does something, and you start fantasizing, but you cannot afford to become erect in public. You may get what we call the no reason boner. Well, I have solved this with meditation, and a bit of know how. You have heard the expression take a cold shower. I have found something effective. I have found that meditating on the image of an iceberg floating in a deep ocean to calm me down. If I focus on this image, I become flaccid if erect, and if I am distracted by fantasy, I return to a more grounded state. I will not post the image because others have seen the medallions, they were created using a saw, a 1 inch dowel rod, and acyrlic paint. On the heads side, I have a picture of an ice berg floating in the deep ocean, on the flip side, is my eight pointed meter disguised as a sunrise. I used this in the bathroom at work, there as a father attending a small child, and grown men in there. I was able to unlock myself by using the medallion as a visualization aid. Also, when I see a "perfect 10," or my stallion of a mind starts to prowl into sexual fantasy, I look at the iceberg image, and use it to calm my mind. This restores my male propriety. I hope this technique can help my brothers who also dwell in male bodies, Stay calm my friends, Eir.
  5. A wise man once said, "Tua matris mihi dedit cancri."

    1. BabyLock


      Latin translation to English - "Your mother gave me crabs" !

    2. Eir


      HAHA! You can chant this while giving a mock religious blesing! I played around with google translate!

  6. ^ Who DOESN'T think they are normal?
  7. And this is the danger of getting your jollies off by going out in public obviously diapered (with exhibitionist leanings).
  8. Eir


    Granted, but now coffee gives diarrhea. I wish KFC's popcorn chicken and my stomach would get along!
  9. Huh. I saw the face square. While the "Jury" seemed to show looks of surprise, shock, and some laughed, it was not anything like Jerry Springer.
  10. I think you were smart to go on a Japanese show. They seem to be more accepting. In addition to this, there is minimal risk to you as as this is a foreign program. Was your babysitter cute?
  11. I am afraid of very few things, but my inner hoarder is one of them.

  12. Draw a line on a spare paper. Now, above this, draw a half circle. It should look like a dome shape. Draw one line at 90 degrees, cutting this in half. Now draw lines at 45 degrees. This produces four wedges. Now cut each one in half. Number the wedges 1 to 8, from left to right. 1 to 4 represents ability, 5 to 8 represents need, 5 being slight need, 8 being sheer desperation. Train your bladder to tell you how full you are. With construction paper, create the 8 slice wedge, number them 1 to 8. Now, the game piece. Make envelopes for each day. You earn a reward for a week of good behavior, (pizza and beer, chocolate, etc.) Good behavior is the desired outcome. For me it was being able to use public restrooms, eventually urinals for urinating. The marker, the most important part of the game-piece. It moves with each successive continuous day towards the reward day, one need not reset, simply re do that day. The days: Day 1 numbered to Day 7 (name your reward) Disclaimer, there was a brief period while I lost urinary continence, but it was well worth it. I wore guards for about 3 months. This was caused by losing the super-hold, people with paururesis can be known to have 'iron bladders,' yet in reality this is not a superpower, it is their body not letting them go.
  13. Yes, and she said it seductively. I think she will give him another chance. Bonus points if she winds up babysitting!
  14. I have found I could use meditation to deflate erections. I focus on the image of an Ice Berg floating in deep ocean. It deflates me rather rapidly.
  15. Okay, long story short I had a bad case of chafing yesterday, basically, my underwear hated my guts. I went home, and made a paste from equal parts baby powder and corn oil. I made it into a paste, stripped, sat on a towel, and applied it to my inner thighs, bikini area, and arms. It was cold, slimy, and blissfully satisfying. I was going to go hiking today, but I can tell that I am still getting over the incident. Having a biting fire in the inner thighs are not pleasant. Try the dry bath, it felt great! I am also wondering if panty hose will prevent chafing.
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