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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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    18 months - 30 months

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Toddler (3/7)



  1. The thought of someone regressing me into a toddler both physically and mentally is arousing for me. Sadly I’m a scaredy-cat and never role played with anyone in person or online. But I assume if I ever did it in person with someone I’d probably not want sex with them as I would prefer to orgasm in my diaper instead. Was that TMI? But there is so much more to regressing to me then that. To regress and have someone who makes you feel loved and safe is what I’m really after. Makes me sad to think of all the people who have to hide this part of themselves from everyone they love for fear of ridicule or rejection.
  2. Did something happen between her and her mother’s father? Seems like seeing him has caused her some distress. Either way, I think he should ask to put a diaper on her but she would decline the offer.
  3. Diaper dependent men made that way by independent women. It’s an oldy but a goody. ?
  4. I read the story and I don’t think Chris was really that clever. ?
  5. Wow. He’s in for a treat. Great beginning! Cant wait for more. ?
  6. I have hope too! But some people are trying to kill that hope. In prison all I had was hope and look at me now. Still in prison but it doesn’t make me hope any less. Cry yes, but lose hope? Nope! And as soon as my victims forgive me the sooner I get parole and my hope will be realized. Here’s to hope! ??
  7. Yes, more please! ?
  8. Awesome start! Please continue.
  9. Hey don’t sweat it. Write when you feel like it. We all like your story and appreciate the time you take to write it. So thank you for this awesome story.
  10. Sally if your going to get drunk and come home and wet yourself why don’t you wear a disposable diaper like a good girl would?
  11. Wow. This is one of those Abdl stories that you come back to read every once in awhile cause it's so touching and beautifully written. The ones you know by heart. thanks for sharing such a great story.
  12. Am I the only one who thinks Sarah is a little heartless. I know this turns her on, but to flirt with another man and possibly
  13. So I'm fair in assuming that Ashley has moved on?
  14. Your the "Mommy' and we all know, who knows best. Right? So just go with the flow. If he says your doing everything wrong. Just tell him to stop being so fussy in baby talk. If he still continues to protest, well then you gotta Spank him till he's just a whimpering mess and begging you for your forgiveness. Then you hold him tight and act extra sweet to him. Telling him as he cries out his apologies, that he was such good boy for taking his punishment like a big boy. You Ever hear of Stockholm syndrome? basically the same concept. Break them down and then build them back up. Viola! You have a husband perfectly happy to fulfill only your desires.
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