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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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    2 years to 3 years old still in diapers

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    Helena Montana
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  1. Hi I have been inactive for several years been on hrt since 2017 does look like a guy's butt in diaper or female I'm struggling with disforia
  2. So I got this package giving to me and it is a 1990 depends I've seen the 1996 going for 70 plus 35 for shipping on ebay won't let up load photos
  3. Sorry I've been in active for a while 

  4. When I read the title and your first post in thread it gave me a feeling that I was excluded from this it's very hurtful I'm on a dating site and I've had several ladies say that I am not a whole woman or I'm not a real woman. And I think you could reword the title a least to people who identifies as women 100percent and lesbian 100percent of the time or something like that. I'm a transgender lesbian in search of friends and the woman of my dreams. I'm also into diapers
  5. I'm in missoula now
  6. I tried deleting it. I didn't click on it to post it don't know why it showed up I asked mod to delete it it
  7. First picture will be 2 years ago middle of February a and second is now almost 1 year hrt Please delete first photo and March 10 is when I came out
  8. I'm a trans girl from the USA
  9. I read into this that you are confused about being transgender. A lot of this is how I felt for41.5 years. I fantasized of being a female I went as far as having sexual relationships with4 woman.while having sex with them I fantasized that I was a woman having sex with a woman. No the hatred of the penis is a 42 year problems I've hated erections since I started to have them in my early teens I'd have several a day till I got my hrt it took a year to get it Friday will be 30 weeks hrt and 32 weeks testosterone blocker. I'd recommend going to planned parent hood if you are in the US or a program simular if in another country. And ask how to start hrt. I'd. Post a little better post and title about being confuse about sexuality. And talk to people who post it helped me here1 year and 9 months ago. You can read a few of my posts back in January or February almost 2 years ago. People will help. The best advice I got was to let go of my male self and become female and come out of hiding wish you the best of luck
  10. Sorr. If you
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