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Bedwetter (4/7)



  1. I try and wait, but I've been known to just go in my big boy pants too.
  2. My thing is to continue whatever I was doing before I went poop. I've done it while changing the oil in my car, cutting the grass, and out fishing in my boat among other things. I've also done it in a store or at the mall, but I don't hang around with a load in my diaper. I leave as quickly as I can
  3. I have wet in public, on purpose, so having others see me isn't a big deal unless it's someone I know. But, after reading the first post about a female who wets her panties sitting on the potty and walking around in wet panties under a skirt got me to wondering, can a guy do this too? I don't mean a guy wearing a skirt, but can a guy go into the bathroom and sit on the potty to pee through his underpants, then pull his jeans or shorts back up and not have his wet condition noticed? I decided to try it. I went to a home depot store in another town and headed to the bathroom. Of course, the bathroom was in the rear of the store. I sat on the potty and emptied my bladder through my cotton briefs. It continued to drip fot quite a while, so I blotted some of the excess with toilet tissue, then pulled my jeans back over my wet undies. I found the items I had gone there to buy and went through the self checkout. As far as I could there was no wetness showing through my jeans. Of course, by the time I got home, my bottom was very wet.
  4. I usually get more sleep when I'm securely diapered than when I'm not. I theorize this is because when not diapered, I have to get up to pee and become more fully awake. When I'm diapered, I just relax and wet my diaper. I go back to sleep almost immediately. After getting up to pee, it might take me a half hour or more to get back to sleep.
  5. i would prefer urge, but I'd like a way to turn it off and on, kind of like say to myself, I'm incontinent today. Interestingly enough, I think I'm slightly urge incontinent anyhow. When I have to go badly, I'll start to pee at the sight or sound of running water, or just as I get to the potty.
  6. I wet the bed until I was 11 or 12. I finally realize I was having the same or similar dreams about peeing as I wet and started awakening when I started dreaming. At first, I'd be peeing when I woke up, but gradually started to wake before I peed. Sometimes I still have similar dreams, and I wish I could go back to waking after the dream.
  7. First, or most memorable, accident post potty training was a massive pants pooping at a family reunion when I was 7 years old. My last accident was peeing my pants a little at the mall before I could get to the bathroom. Lately, When I have to pee, I'll start to go if I'm around running water and need to go badly.I'll also start peeing on occasion just as I get to the potty. That day, at the mall, I was headed for the nearest bathroom, but I had to walk past a big fountain. I didn't completely soak myself, but it was enough to notice. I've worn diapers nearly 24/7 since then.
  8. I'd like to get paid as much as possible, but I've done both for nothing. I did get paid to poop in my pants when I was 13. Some kids dared me to do it, and I said I'd do it if they paid me. They pooled their money and gave me just over $2.00. I did it and they started calling me names like pottypants and stinkybritches.
  9. I kind of like the smell, but the feeling as I'm messing and the feelings afterwards are the main reasons I do it.
  10. I was put into them briefly at 10 or so because my mom was tired of finding underpants that I'd pooped in. It didn't last long, as it was supposed to be punishment, and I was way too obvious that I liked them. I started wearing on my own around 15.
  11. I can remember as far back as 4 or 5 years old asking my mom what it was like when I was a baby, and if I could wear diapers. She denied me the diapers and said that it was a lot of work taking care of me. That wasn't what I wanted to hear, I wanted to knpw what it felt like to wear diapers and pee or poo. Well, I was really more interested in the poo part, because I wet the bed nearly every night and knew how wetting felt. I finally pooped in my pants to see how it felt. I must have liked it because I still do it.
  12. Mine is the name some other kids called me after I was dared to poop in my pants and I did.
  13. I wear nearly 24/7 and just let either go when I feel the urge. It's all part of being an ab.
  14. Mostly, I just pause and squat slightly as I fill my diaper. Then I continue with what I was doing before. If I needed to pee too, I usually do that at the same time. On a few occasions, I've hidden behind a chair and squatted as I was told I did as a toddler.
  15. I've done both in public for nothing, but I did get paid to poop in my pants once as a kid. It was only a couple of dollars and change, but to a 9 year old, it was a lot.It's a long story that involved me being "double dared" to do it.
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