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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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TheMagicDragon last won the day on April 21 2010

TheMagicDragon had the most liked content!


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    Adult Baby
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    New Jersey
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    http://TheMagicDragon on www.FetLife.com

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  1. NJ Littles is now in it's seventh year. As of July 2009 we've hosted over 160 documented munches and 26 events. In January 2011 we founded North East Littles, which is now international in scope. Yes, while some of you weren't looking we kept reaching and

  2. NJL Forum 'Password' available upon request.

  3. Members of New Jersey Littles

  4. @Crinklebritches
  5. This is the reason ABDL munches never get old. It's worth it!
  6. I'm concerned too. ABKingdom is one of the finest websites for photos and international contacts, although the multilingual aspects of the forums seem to confound most casual visitors (they do have automatic translation for english and other languages.)
  7. North East Littles exists to support the needs of Littles (AB/DL's, Age Players, Regressive Littles & the Bigs who love them) throughout the northeast quadrant of North America. For the latest Munch/ activity/ Event updates from NEL and over one dozen "sister" Munch groups Contact glenn with your email address for the monthly NEL Newsletter.

  8. @Diseased88 I got your text message but somehow it got deleted or dropped. I don't have your number now but you're welcome to PM me for mine. Anyway, you were indeed at our first munch and were one of our very first members - you still are as far as I'm concerned. Thing is, we GREW. Now NJL has several hundred members and we're one of at least ten sister munches in the North East Littles (NEL) [http://www.northeastlittles.com]. I've moved from Bergen-Passaic down to Somerset which is actually a lot closer to you now. Best new yet is that there's a munch in your neck of the woods that's even closer - North East PA Littles (NEPAL). It'd be great to see you around! @ everyone else who reads this: Come to an NEL Munch!
  9. Get thee to the Binghamton Area Littles Munch!
  10. Looks like you're going to have a full house! If I'm free that day we'll both be there
  11. Wanted: AB/DLs to attend NEL Munches in: VA (2), DE (1), NJ (3), PA (3), NY (1), CT (1) and NH (1). Meet 100's of Northeastern AB/DLs! (http://www.northeastlittles.com)

  12. I can say for certain there are. We just had a party in central nj and I'm sure "at least one single AB/DL female" was there. whatever and whomever anyone's "looking for": Want to find them...Come to a munch. www.northeastlittles.com
  13. Hey Delaware People - Go Here: https://fetlife.com/groups/34997 In my last post, two years ago here, I was announcing the very first munch in NJ. NJL has come a LOOOOOOONG way since then (30 munches). We've formed NEL - the North East Littles (http://www.northeastlittles.com) which has seven sister munches in various states. Now it's Delaware's turn and we are doing this for you so see if we can spark a fire in Delaware. VERY SOON there will be an announcement both here and on the FetLife website in which we'll be announcing the first of the winter munches in Delaware. We hope you'll enjoy them. We will be looking for someone who lives in DE to take these over since we don't reside in DE. They will likely be held in Dover. Location and date tbd. Any constructive comments you may have should be sent directly to me at: glenn@northeastlittles.com.
  14. This was enjoyable from start to finish. You've struck a common thread here - I'm wondering what will be next and hope you will continue!
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