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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Codymoogle last won the day on August 4 2014

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  • Diapers
    Adult Baby

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  1. I've been a member here for over ten years now...wow...

  2. I used it on my armpits once, according to the directions on the box. I went to wipe it off, and my hair came with it... But so did my skin. That hurt like hell, I can only imagine using it on the genitals.
  3. I'm a transboy, and while I don't identify as a sissy, I relate. While my gender identity is solidly boy, my gender expression is on the feminine side of of androgynous, and this includes clothing, toys, and other interests for me. I also like "girl" endearments as long as they aren't being used in such a way a to call me a girl. I
  4. A major curiosity, possibly the the point of obsession, with baby toys (especially extra soft/cuddly things and suckable/chewable things), bottles, baby food, playpens, and cribs all came before diapers for me as far as "stuff". I've never really felt that my diapers fall under "obsession". They're necessary (both physically from incontinence and emotionally), but definitely not what I recognized as something that I needed at first.
  5. Just wanted to say hi, since I haven't really been active on here for a long time. *HUGS*

    1. Rockies Fan in Diapers

      Rockies Fan in Diapers

      Hi Moogle! I haven't seen you be active on the site for a loooonnnggg time. I hope you're doing well.

  6. Breakfast
  7. I have eaten a lot of packaged and homemade baby food from the time I was 18 on, and this is what I've found...
  8. I found that a before bed snack always helped me a few years ago. I don't do it anymore, but I should.
  9. Ducks & elephants!
  10. Get a silicone one. Using honey (or anything) on your binky can cause tooth decay, especially if you do this at night, so if you find the taste of latex funny, go with the more neutral tasting silicone.
  11. Aside from Hippopotamus Rock, I have one more.
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