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My mom had this thing about diapers and it was some time back but I accidentally wet the bed and she found out. She made me wear a diaper that night and the next and the next night. It was strange at first but I did get used to them and now I can't go to bed at night without slipping one on.
I wear the Goodnites and I find that they are really very comfortable and often I forget that I am wearing them. In a way it was kind of cute that she wanted me to keep wearing a disposable diaper when we went out together but then I discovered that if I wasn't wearing one, it just didn't feel right.
Mom was a little shocked with my need to wear them all the time but she was the one who started it so I pushed it along a bit and asked her to buy more for me. Mom knows that I am wearing one and is often keen to find out how I feel about it.
As I tell her, I quite like the feel and if I have to go, I can just go I don't have to wait to get to the bathroom. At night, I sleep well knowing I don't have to get up at night and go to the loo. There was a time when mom thought she had to make me wear them but once I got used to them, I found them so easy to wear and I grew to like them. I think mom thinks that I only do it to please her ... but... she doesn't have to know that I really like the feel of the Goodnites at night against my tush.
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