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NEW! Friends Tell Each Other Everything

It had been at least a year since Remy had last seen Max. In the mean time, she had moved and now lived a few hours away by car. They had always gotten along really well, having similar interests but they had never become besties because they hung out in different places. Even so, they had always continued to consider each other good friends.

Max always had the annoying habit of not being home during weekends, so this week Remy finally had the time to visit her new home. She didn't live alone, in order to suppress costs, she had taken a roommate, but said roommate had also taken the same day to visit some family or friends. Having a holiday off was an opportunity to finally visit some old friends again for most people.

When Remy finally arrived in the city where Max lived, he was itching to find a parking space. That turned out to be a little harder than he had hoped. Cities were always crowded and always had a shortage of parking spaces, especially if you weren't familiar with the place. And he wasn't, he hadn't been there before and thus had no idea where he could lose his car for the day. Ultimately, he took the spot of a green volkswagen that left just as he passed by.

If that had been the end of it, things might have gone differently, but in his search for a spot he had gotten turned around. He had no idea where he was in relation to where he had to be, so his only choice was to walk until he recognized something. Thankfully, that was not too difficult, but he had been walking in the wrong direction. So he took a right and then another right and he was back on track to getting to Max's place. He was glad he had put in the effort to research his route before he had left.

His problem grew more urgent while he walked. While the motion and the effort of walking helped stave it off, the urgency still grew. He would make it in time, Remy was sure of it.

Max lived on the second floor and Remy took the stairs. He did not want to stand still. When he got to her door, she was already waiting for him in the opening. And then it happened, she hugged him and the pressure put him over the edge, turning his jeans dark blue and turning his cheeks red.

"I didn't do it on purpose," was the first thing he blurted out. Max knew about his fetish. He had told her long ago, when it was still new too him and he was still too excited about it to keep it to himself. She didn't like to talk about it however, or have anything to do with it. And that was all fine and fair. Maybe she hadn't even thought about it in years, but apparently her lack of interest was on Remy's mind.

She sighed. "What happened?" She asked.

"It was a long trip. Sorry." It was quiet for a moment. "Can I please come in?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course," she said, "come on in."

He followed her, still red as a beet. This was not what he had planned for today and he didn't like it. Normally this would be his thing, wetting himself and maybe put in a diaper because he couldn't control himself, but not with her. She was a good friend and uninterested in that stuff. Remy had no desire to push it on her.

She immediately led him to the bathroom. "Take your pants off and throw them in the washer," she said, "and then take a shower." When he waited until she left the room she added "don't worry, I have seen a penis before."

Remy hesitated a while longer but then simply began to undress. There was no dignity left to defend, really, he had had a real accident in front of her. She didn't ogle him or laugh at him or anything. Good friends, but never any chemistry for something more. Her serenity under the situation was enough to let him step into the shower with any confidence. Sure, he'd embarrassed himself, but Max didn't judge him and she would take care of him.

He didn't take a shower for very long, he just needed to wash his legs a bit and then he was done. Max had been kind enough to lay out a towel for him, but once he was dry he could not find any clothes. He poked his head out the door, "Max! Uh, do you have any clothes for me?"

"Yes," she shouted back, "come into the living room."

Remy was not eager to comply, but he did so anyway. What else was he going to do? Wait it out in the bathroom? As he walked into the room, he held his hands in front of his groin, to guard any dignity he had regained, but Max only smiled.

"I've got a surprise for you." She pointed at the couch, and indeed, a big surprise. There was a diaper opened all up on there, ready to receive someone's naked bottm. "For some reason we got a test package in the mail," she explained, "I just wanted to give them to you, but well..." She let that last bit hang in the air.

"I thought you didn't like this stuff?" Remy asked with a lump in his throat.

Even that one second between his question and her answer was too long. He was afraid she might get angry over having to do this. Instead, her words were calm, "I'm still not a fan, but I've changed enough diapers by now that I can take care of one more pantswetter."

Remy couldn't see himself, but he was pretty sure his head now looked like a tomato. Nevertheless, he laid down on the diaper the way he had done hundreds of times over.

Out of habit, he grabbed the front and started pulling it toward him, but Max slapped his hands away. "Let me," she said and put his diaper on with expert hands. She adjust the tapes twice, the end result being a diaper so snug as Remy had only worn a handful of times before.

"You're good at this," he said while she pulled his shirt back over his head. Now it was Max's turn to blush. Nevertheless, she did not seem upset at the comment. Normally such intimacy was not appreciated.

Without warning, she put on a stern face and said, "now mister, you get in the corner!"

Remy could only blink at the sudden shift. "What?"

"You've been a naughty boy and naughty boys need to be punished. So get in the corner and think about what you've done!"

"Yes ma'am," he found himself saying. With another blush he added, "but can I at least have some pants?"

With a friendlier voice she said "no worries, no one's going to come in here. Besides, I need to keep an eye on your diapered butt."

It was weird. Remy had expected an afternoon of talking with a friend about how their lives were going and what they had been up to, but instead he found himself standing in a corner of her living room, in a diaper, being punished for wetting his pants. Which he didn't even do on purpose. That was such a weird turn that he didn't know if he even liked it. Yeah, normally this was his fetish, but right now he was just too afraid to even look out of the corner.

In fact, he was so focused on that corner that had not heard someone come in. Not until he heard a strange voice shout: "MAX! Why is there a guy in a diaper in the corner of our living room?!"

"Sophie, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to be away all day?" Max was clearly and completely surprised. And yet she did her very best to draw attention away from Remy in the corner of the room, she didn't even look at him. Even so, there was simply nowhere for Remy to go, he couldn't sneak out, especially not wearing just a diaper and a t-shirt, and at some point the attention was going to return to him. He was still willing to put that moment off and so he kept quiet to let Max deal with her roommate.

"I came back early. And don't distract from the diapered guy behind me!" Well, so much for putting that off. "Why the hell is that guy wearing a diaper and why the hell is he in the corner? What kind of kinky games are you playing here?"

Remy heard Max sigh. That was not a good sign, everything was coming out, he could feel it. "That's my friend Remy. He eh, he had a little accident when he got here."

"So you put him in a diaper?" Sophie asked, likely louder than she intended.

"Was I supposed to make him stay in his wet pants?" Max answered calmly but with a hint of a real question to it, instead of a rhetorical one.

After a moment of silence, Sophie acknowledged "you have a point. But why is he in the corner then?"

"As punishment for wetting his pants of course." Remy hadn't expected her to blurt that out. Then again, he couldn't come up with any other good reason for him to be in that corner either. Had he been so eager to be punished that he had let his friend put him in the corner? It seemed so intimate and substantial now.

"And he let you?" Sophie asked, as if she was reading Remy's mind.

"It's kind of his thing." Remy's eyes bulged at that point, and even Max had the decency to throw her hands in front of her mouth, realizing just too late that she had let something slip that she really shouldn't have. "Sorry Remy," she said apologetically, her cheeks coloring to emphasize her shame.

Well, the cat was out of the bag. But then Sophie did something that Remy had not expected in the slightest, she focused her arrows on Max. "So why did YOU decide to go along with his fantasies?"

Max was struck speechless, her mouth even hanging open far enough that it made you think of a cartoon. "Maybe I just want to do something nice for my friend, okay?" She shouted after she regained some composure. Well, she regained some composure and lost it again by shouting, and she seemed to realize it, clamping her mouth shut. Probably to avoid saying sorry yet again. She gave her roommate a glare though.

And suddenly everything became an extra level of awkward as Sophie asked "can I help?"

Remy felt himself pale and them turn bright red, shy and embarrassed and wanting to run away. This was not what he had planned. This was not at all how this day was supposed to go. He came to hang out with his friend, and now here he was, his intimate secrets out in the open and someone wanting to play along and somehow he was nervous about it. Maybe that was normal, the only way in which he was normal if it was. He couldn't bring out any words.

"Remy?" Max asked, expecting him to be eager but instead she must've found him still pale. "Are you okay?" Worry spread across her face. He shook his head no. Or at least he thought he did, he wasn't sure anymore. And then she was hugging him, rubbing his back. "Hey, you'll be fine, alright. Do you want her to go?"

"Yes." His answer surprised Remy himself and yet it seemed right. He hugged Max a little tighter, thankful for her presence and for being able to siphon a bit of her confidence.

"Sorry Sophie, but can you go?" Emphasis on the "go". Max was still until a door slammed shut, then she rubbed Remy's back a few more times and finally faced him.

"I'm a wimp," Remy flapped out before Max could say anything.

She laughed. "Well, you are a big baby." Remy didn't exactly burst out laughing, but it was definitely funny enough to lift the tension from his shoulders. "But seriously: no. This is actually pretty intimate stuff, I wouldn't want a stranger in my private business either." That made a lot of sense. Remy hadn't thought about it that way, and it seemed a little strange that someone else would point out that yes, Remy did have a sense of intimacy and privacy, and was allowed to protect those things.

"So why did you decide to share my intimacy?" Sophie had already asked that, but now Remy was genuinely curious. "Because I seem to recall that a relationship between the two of us did not work out."

"I was just going to give them to you, you know. We got the sample pack in the mail, which was weird, but I thought it would be better to give them to you than to throw them out. Then you wet your pants and well, it seemed so appropriate. I didn't really plan on it or think about it too hard. Didn't realize how intimate this really was until Sophie walked in."

His heart sunk in his chest. It was fun being diapered, but if Max didn't want to... "Do you want to stop?"

She smiled. "And what, put you in my panties? Or have your little guy flap around freely? Intimate as this may be, this is less intimate than the other options." After a few seconds she added, "come on, you want a cup of coffee? I would offer you a beer, but it's a bit early for that."

They talked over coffee. About high school, about old times, about jobs, boyfriends and girlfriends. About videogames and boardgames and entertainment. Exactly what they had intended this day to be, except Remy was sitting in a diaper and a t-shirt, and with his legs tucked under himself on the couch. Max was not in an entirely dissimilar position, having her knees pulled up to her chest.

And then Remy needed to pee. It had been a long time coming, but when the moment was there he wasn't sure what to do. Should he just wet his diaper or should he go to the bathroom? Afterall, he was only padded now because he'd had an actual accident and though she had put the diaper on him, she might not appreciate him using it. "Max uhm... I need to use your bathroom."

She opened her mouth and nothing came out for a second. "What for?" She asked with a grin.

"You know what for," Remy exasperated.

"I'm surprised," she said, "I'd expected you to have wet your diaper by now."

Remy felt his cheeks redden. If this had been anyone else, he likely would have done so. But Max, Max mattered. What she thought of him, that mattered. "Before was an accident. I know you normally don't like this stuff and I didn't want to force this on you. Definitely not after you just took such good care of me."

"That's... very sweet of you," Max put in.

"Besides, I can't pee very well sitting down, and I think I can't pee if someone's looking. Shy bladder."

She punched him the shoulder. And then she said "try." Remy looked at her, confused by her unexpected offer. "Go ahead," she urged him, "or do I have to put you back in the corner until you do?"

That didn't sit right in his stomach. Not after her roommate earlier, something still wasn't comfortable. Max could tell, Remy saw it on her face. "Sorry, but, I don't want to be forced right now." He blew out a deep breath. "That's weird. It's not something I ever expected to say. I mean, this is my fetish, you'd expect me to be happy to indulge in it."

She looked at him contemplatively. "Context matters in intimacy," she finally said. "Nobody gets turned on when they're not comfortable. No matter how hot the guy standing across the room is. If you don't feel safe, you're not going to go for it." His bladder began to urge him on, so Remy started to sit up a little. "Look, if you're not comfy, you should use the bathroom. Second door on the left."

Remy got up and walked into the hallway. His bladder was really asking for release now and being all alone he suddenly wanted to use that diaper. "Max!" He shouted through the door.

She was at the door in a second. "Did you have another accident?"

He was about to ask permission when his bladder decided for him and gave out, flooding his diaper and warming his bottom. "I was going to ask permission," he whimpered when he was done.

"It's okay," she said like she understood, but Remy didn't really want to hear it.

"No, you don't understand. Normally I do this on purpose, I don't have accidents unless it's on purpose," Remy explained with honesty. Maybe he shouldn't have done that. "I shouldn't have said that."

Max looked him in the eyes. "Look, you're just not in your element here, it's been an emotional day, and it's been weird for the both of us." She frowned for a second. Had she lost her track of thought? Maybe there hadn't been one in the first place. "At least you were prepared for the accident this time, right? Wearing that diaper."

Accidentally being prepared for an accident, even though wearing that diaper was not an accident. Some of Remy's friends would laugh at that, but he didn't find it particularly funny at the moment. "I guess," he conceded. "So what now?" he asked after a moment of silence. Was she going to change his diaper? She did put the other one on him afterall. Of course, she might not put him in a new one anyway.

"I guess you need a change now, huh? Do you still want me to do it?" That still was telling. She knew something had changed between her putting that first one on him and now. And yet, she had done absolutely nothing to affect the trust Remy had in her.

At first he wanted to say that she still had to be okay with it. He put that aside because she wouldn't have suggested if she wasn't. "Thank you. For taking care of me, for not kicking me out in wet pants, for going along with this."

"You're my friend, what else would I do?" She answered. "Now, come on, let's get you cleaned up again." This time she didn't throw him back into the shower, instead she led him back to the couch and had him lie down. She disappeared for a minute or two and then came back with with a wet washcloth. "Sorry, I don't have any powder," she said as she began untaping his diaper. She washed him down below and though this should've been terribly exciting, Remy was still too caught up in his failure to enjoy it.

"There, all done," Max suddenly exclaimed.

Remy hadn't even noticed the progress she had made or the new padding under his bottom. "Thank you." He blushed again, he'd been so pre-occupied he didn't even pay attention did one of the things to him he had dreamed of.

"Is everything ok," Max asked again. "I, uh... I expected you to be more excited."

"Sorry. I guess I still need to process some things from today." Some things to process was an understatement. He'd been taken care of by one of his best friends and he'd been hesitant at best. On top of that he'd had the chance to play with her roommate and he'd outright rejected that. He'd had an inkling of why, but it seemed more complicated than that, because he would not have been as hesitant with many other people. Maybe he respected Max too much to really involve her in his dirty fantasies. "Max? Am I being too nice to you?"

"Too nice?" She seemed genuinely confused.

"Yeah, I mean, I think I'm holding back because I respect you too much. Kind of like I think you're too good to be part of this perverted fantasy."

She smiled again, almost knowingly. "You don't need to worry about that. You worry about keeping that diaper dry, big baby."

After that, Max went to put his pants in the dryer and they spent another few hours talking and playing games. Remy managed to keep his diapers dry and when he said he needed to use the bathroom, Max let him go like a big boy. Not that she let him out of his diaper, even when his clothes were ready, he had to put them on over his diaper and on the way back home he still had a padded butt.

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