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All Dressed Up for Mommy!
My mommy says it's time for a nap for the widdle baby girl so I go to way down now and have baby pwaytime and go nighty night for widdle while and then mommy will check my diaper and if I haven't gone potty in my diaper I cannot get up from my nap and if she discovers that I have wet my diaper I get to have my diaper changed and then get all dwessed up like a pretty baby girl again and have my mommy drowned me in baby lotion!
Keywords: change diaper nap girl mommy lotion sissy

All Dressed Up for Mommy!

My mommy says it's time for a nap for the widdle baby girl so I go to way down now and have baby pwaytime and go nighty night for widdle while and then mommy will check my diaper and if I haven't gone potty in my diaper I cannot get up from my nap and if she discovers that I have wet my diaper I get to have my diaper changed and then get all dwessed up like a pretty baby girl again and have my mommy drowned me in baby lotion!

DSC08085xp.jpg DSCF0002.JPG DSCF0004.JPG DSCF0005.JPG DSCF0006.JPG Feeling_So_Precious!~0.JPG Feeling_So_Special!.JPG Freshly_Powdered!.JPG funny.jpg going_out_wearing_one_of_the_dresses_my_mom_hand_made_for_me_when_i_was_a_teeenager.JPG happiness_is____.JPG
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