
PLEASE Mistress Cat (honor curtsy) 686 viewsMake it stop...07/02/20 pm31 16:55737-820-633: Anklet came off for sore toes and stayed off becau...

daydream believer9690 viewspants have the last say...06/15/20 pm30 17:07737-820-633: HERE I AM! HERE I AM!! TAKE ME TAKE ME!

676 views04/29/20 am30 09:30mattturner31: great plastic pants

745 views04/21/20 pm30 15:46737-820-633: memories of my marriage on payday

1231 views02/14/20 pm29 18:34737-820-633: I LOVE RED PLAID...

rachel in her diapers7801 views02/09/20 am29 11:33737-820-633: RACHEL who?

4458 views02/09/20 am29 11:31737-820-633: Dumping out the diaper pail before it stinks up th...

The gift that NEVER stops2904 viewsThank You Mistress Cat (honor curtsy)02/09/20 am29 11:25737-820-633: Seems like the Whole Town is involved in my traini...

4458 views02/06/20 pm29 23:38Edwardono: Nice!

42647 views01/25/20 pm31 12:15737-820-633: Well You are hogging up all the ~TOP RATED~ photo ...

sissy baby pansy2395 viewssissy baby pansy has come to accept the fact that he will never EVER be allowed to live as an adult again01/25/20 pm31 12:04737-820-633: and that is a bad thing?

This sissy mouthed off to it's Mistress1051 viewsBED WETTER!01/25/20 am31 11:58737-820-633: stolen fame from sissy pansy... my apologies..

1557 views01/25/20 am31 11:46737-820-633: DOUBLED DIAPERED!

HELD BY CONTRACT644 views01/25/20 am31 11:42737-820-633: pictures were/are posted as required and permissio...

babywes comes out4820 viewsthese are my first photos on line, i have been directed to upload them as punishment by my mommy / wife & will have to show her when she get's home.01/24/20 pm31 15:55737-820-633: need more pictures!

1557 views01/20/20 pm31 20:38Diaper George: I would love to change his diaper

thought I was free723 viewsRemoved my anklet ID and chastity, But still wet my bed..01/20/20 pm31 17:07737-820-633: ORDERED TO RELINK ID ANKLET AND NEVER REMOVE AGAIN...

BED WETTER1818 views01/20/20 pm31 16:45737-820-633: Bed was made when sissy servant 737-820-633 stoppe...

766 views12/15/19 pm31 17:38737-820-633: Merry Christmas 2019 everyone!

Sissy Kimberly's small pee pee in pee peed diaper and sissy schoolgirl skirl4396 viewsHow adorable you need changed in public sissy12/01/19 pm31 13:28737-820-633: sissy servant 737-820-633 is also a peepee diaper ...

Sissy Mhari LG833 viewsSissy Babysitter11/26/19 pm30 18:40737-820-633: 8-)heaven

879 views11/26/19 pm30 17:46737-820-633: But I don't want to be a bed wetter/...
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