Why we still don't believe disposables are worthy of being called "diapers".3741 viewsOut in public, testing another disposable. Again, another failure! After only one good pee, and people were already seeing the wet spots from it starting to leak as soon as i sat down.
Being forced...7472 views
Me in trouble woth Daddy12165 views
Mommy Donna embarassing me9666 views
submissive me going out with my...secret8798 views
me bound in tight white corset11943 views
Depends Diaper712 viewsDisposable Diaper
Two Attends Pull-Up 8s (from the side)2761 viewsNot as bulky as I like but even so they felt good
2095 viewsmy daring diaper hike
Depends843 viewsDepends Diaper
Two Attends Pull-Up 8s3613 viewsThe bulkier the better! Although the second one doesn't show, I was wearing two dry Attends Pull-Up 8's
Diapers4Me in an Attends3159 viewsIn an Attends---one of the old ones that is really shiny and thick! Super crinkly!
2111 viewshanging out
At work testing another brand of disposable "briefs".2433 viewsI was sitting at my desk when i had to take my first piss in this disposable. A few minutes later, i had to go out and help with a delivery. Look how it already is falling apart! What's "convenient" about a disposable, if you have to change it after each use? I "go" all day in my sets of cloth diapers, and never need to change them, until i get home. Do yours?
wet Bambino3051 viewsI lowered my plastic panties to see what my diapers looked like after a third wetting. There was a little pee in the panties, but I kept wearing the diapers until they full out leaked.
Bambino Diaper Day2340 viewsI was finding out how much my new Bambino's could hold so I wore my plastic panties all day around the house.
Wet bulging bambino diaper2157 viewsAnother shot of my diaper extremely wet.
Fourth wetting Bambino2292 viewsThis was after I had wet my Bambino diaper for the fourth time within 12 hours!
Very Wet Bambino Diaper2567 viewsThis is what my diaper looked like after I had wet them four times within 12 hours!!! I had to clean the floor after.
4372 viewschanging my diapers
Another reason i quit wearing a disposable "brief" when i went out somewhere.4528 viewsThank God i was wearing plastic panties too. I was so embarrassed when a gurlfriend told me that this is why everyone was staring at me.