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Image search results - "public"
Nappy BeachBoy7431 viewsat the beach
Cosy BeachBaby4514 viewsat the beach
NappyPaddles5999 viewsat the beach
Cute BabyBum4946 viewsat the beach
NappyBoy Blue2949 viewsat the beach
38890 viewsa big sissy baby wets himelf in a restaurant
Why we still don't believe disposables are worthy of being called "diapers".3687 viewsOut in public, testing another disposable. Again, another failure! After only one good pee, and people were already seeing the wet spots from it starting to leak as soon as i sat down.
Why I wear sets of cloth diapers to work.3719 viewsLunch time at work, sitting in my POOP STAINED diapers with two loads of poop inside. And still, NO LEAKAGE! I can go all day at work, and not need to change my diapers, until i get home. Can yours?
Out in public, enjoying my cloth diapers and plastic panties under a pair of Girl's shorts.3788 viewsThe reason Girl's shorts are best for wearing over sets of thick cloth diapers, is because Girl's shorts are designed to fit the feminine form with higher waistlines, wider hips, and thicker thighs, than guys have. so, Girl's shorts like these, are the only kind i wear. Oh, and the wider leg openings help keep my diapers cool, even though easier for everone to see. but then, it's never bothered me to be seen diapered. Do you wear girl's pants and shorts all the time, like i do?
Happiness, is going to the prom....well diapered!5419 viewsMom made sure i was diapered well enough to not worry about needing a diaper change until i got home the next day.
me at the beach this past summer10073 views
me and dasiy at the park12994 views
going_out_for_my_morning_jog.JPG being able to enjoy jogging without shorts on.3612 viewsOut for my morning jog, while still in my wet and poop filled nightime set of diapers. Know what pleasures it brings?
Out in public enjoying a dress my mom handmade for me to wear when i was 16. And it still fits me!6482 viewsLike all the other dresses she handmade for me. this one is also in the short little girl style, with matching frilly diaper covers. and, just like when i was a teenager, it was never long enough to cover my diapers from everyone's view. which, ironically, has always added the sense of excitement that always brought an auto-erotic "happy ending" inside my diapers.
Happiness, is driving to work well diapered, and a full baba to enjoy in traffic.10441 viewsModesty? Why? They're only going to see thick cloth diapers covered in translucent plastic panties. Besides everyone at work already knows why i need to wear diapers, and seen mine too often to matter anymore.
Even from a distance, everyone can see i'm diapered like a baby. 11515 viewsI've worn sets of thick cloth diapers with plastic panties all of my life. So, there's nothing anyone has said or done, that has ever taken away the pleasures that wearing diapers in public can give.

What do you think? Do your diapers show more than mine?
2064 viewsmy daring diaper hike
Freshly changed in a set of contour shaped babyprint diapers.5797 viewsGoing out in a sunsuit made for me by my Mom, with matching frilly plastic lined rhumba style bloomer panties for a "discrete" look to anyone walking by.
Happiness, is going shopping well diapered and not having to use public restrooms!8686 viewsShowing my pink babyprint plastic panties over my diapers, before zipping up the rear of my trousers. I'm used to my "diaper lines" showing through my clothes, but by the time i was made aware of my babyprints showing through the white material of my trousers. i was already at the mall and too busy with christmas shopping to care what everybody saw. would you?
2091 viewshanging out
Well diapered at work too!3334 viewsLooK! No leaks! Happiness is wetting all day in poop filled diapers, and not having to change them, until you get home from work.
My Wife puts snaps in all of my shorts too.3035 viewsOut in a public car park, waiting for my wife to get a set of clean diapers out of my diaper bag. Once in a while, when i've pooped and we're going to be with friends or not returning home for a longtime. It's best to avoid diaper rash. So, my wife will change my diapers in the back of our minivan. Having snaps in my shorts, makes diaper changes easier for her, and minimizes the amount of time that people passing by might want to get a closer look. know what i mean?
Think anyone will see what's under my frilly black panties?8919 viewsGetting dressed to go out with a friend, wearing a short skirt. here i'm checking to see if my panties will be enough to keep my diapers from being seen while sitting and walking etc.. What do you think?
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