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Top rated - Baby Wendy Marie
Aww, Tweet Widdle Baby Wendy!2956 viewsI just wuv feewing so pwecious and adowable wif my pretty pink fings on over my diaper and my pecial baby panties and baby shirt on!22222
(17 votes)
Freshly Powdered Little Baby Wendy!3103 viewsI wuv pwaying on my adorable vinyl mattress cover and spraying baby powder all over the pwace becuz it's so fun and then have pwaytime in my diaper too!22222
(16 votes)
All Dressed Up for Mommy!3755 viewsMy mommy says it's time for a nap for the widdle baby girl so I go to way down now and have baby pwaytime and go nighty night for widdle while and then mommy will check my diaper and if I haven't gone potty in my diaper I cannot get up from my nap and if she discovers that I have wet my diaper I get to have my diaper changed and then get all dwessed up like a pretty baby girl again and have my mommy drowned me in baby lotion!22222
(11 votes)
Silly Baby Wendy Marie!4419 viewsI wike how this pitcher show my puffy butt and pretty baby girl clothes!11111
(13 votes)
Showing My Diaper!2766 views11111
(10 votes)
Showing My Diaper Again!2636 viewsFeeling very sweet and precious after pwaying wif mommy's wipstick...and going potty in my diaper!11111
(10 votes)
Feeling so Special!1998 viewsI just love dressing up like a little baby girl and pottying in my diaper and then having my mommy change my diaper and that's when she tells me what a good little baby girl I've been and that I deserve to have playtime now!11111
(10 votes)
2387 views11111
(8 votes)
Pretty Baby Panties!3443 viewsI wuv wearing baby panties wif my diaper after I shave all over wif baby lotion so I smell sweet and precious -- ga ga me wa my ba ba!!00000
(14 votes)
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