me and a plug1931 viewsme plugged before my spanking.. (3 votes)
Happiness, is never feeling inhibited about people seeing how well you're diapered!3089 viewsWearing diapers while out riding your bicycle, means never having to use those filthy public restrooms. Besides, it feels GREAT! (3 votes)
Sissy Mhari Diaper1147 viewsWaiting for Mummy (2 votes)
Sissy Mhari Diaper1273 viewsReady for Bed (2 votes)
cute girl from pvc-fetish-girls.com2327 views (2 votes)
cloth diapers958 viewspuppy paw print home made cloth nappie i love them (2 votes)
cloth diaper1289 viewshome made cloth diapers i love my nappy's (2 votes)
Happiness, is never feeling inhibited about people seeing how well you're diapered!5626 viewsWhile on vacation, at a laundrymat washing our diapers. More people asked where we buy adult cloth diapers and plastic panties, than people who ask why we are wearing diapers in the first place. Only a few, have the nerve to ask why we don't feel embarrassed to be seen wearing "diapers". It's really interesting when they hear our replies. Most people are really nice one they know why. (9 votes)