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Pretending to be Big Girl Part 1

By Dragonwhelp aka ABDLartist


(If you would like to see more of this story please send an email to [email protected])


Tara stared and couldn’t help but feel bad. She knew exactly what was happening.

“No, no, no! I promise I’m a big girl! I can handle it!” Said a pretty girl in her early twenties. Tears were streaming down her face and pee was running down her legs from under her skirt forming a puddle at her feet. The young girl was a grocery bagger at the supermarket Terra and her mother frequented. Terra watched as the grocery store manager came over and tried to calm the dripping wet young lady down from her borderline tantrum. 


“You know I’m going to have to call your mother about this. It’s the third time this year and it’s only February.” He said sternly leading her to a bench at the front of the store near the office. Tara searched her memory, and with a sudden realization Tara remembered, it was Kimmy. If memory served, Kimmy was almost 22 years old and on her last strike. Kimmy was in the same class as Tara when she was younger. Tara watched Kimmy sulk on the bench, not caring that her legs were spread apart by a dripping, wet pull up. Tara frowned through her oversized pacifier and looked down at her very saturated thick diapers and exposed breasts that were only partially covered by a half t-shirt. It was rare for anyone to be potty trained before their 18th birthday, but it was possible. Most were out of diapers by 20 years old. However, about a quarter of the population never managed to become potty trained. If, by the someones 22nd birthday they had not been accident free for a month, then they were deemed unable to be functional adults and were treated essentially like giant toddlers for the rest of their lives.


“Poor thing.” Lora, Tara’s mother commented. “I thought she was going to make it. She had been dry for over a month.” Lora commented to herself more than to Tara. “Oh well, I guess that’s just one more big baby.” Lora let out a sigh and looked down at Tara in the oversized grocery cart in which Tara was sitting. Tara was a beautiful young woman with long brown hair in pigtails that came down to her hips. Being exactly 5 feet tall and only 123 lbs her nearly D cup breasts didn’t exactly match her tiny frame. Her perfect butt, though hidden behind a thick layer of padding, was quite nice she often thought to herself. Being so petite it was quite easy for Lora to pick up her daughter and complete all the tasks a mommy needed to do for her little girl. 


Tara was two weeks away from turning 22 and Lora was hoping that Tara would just be a late bloomer, but the closer Tara’s birthday became the more she began to lose hope her daughter would ever be anything more than an adult baby. 


Tara knew that look in her mother’s eyes. She was disappointed and thought she would be changing Tara’s diapers forever. The most Tara would ever able to achieve would be “mommy’s helper” at her job, or working a job that naturally had a lot of supervision like bagging groceries. Adults didn’t trust littles with much else. Tara remembered Kimmy was always one of the more immature girls at school. Compared to Tara and some of the other kids Kimmy probably should stay as just a little in diapers Tara mused.


Tara was always very bright and mature even when she was much younger. Lora was always sure that Tara would be the first out of her class to be potty trained and be a regular adult, but as the years passed that seemed like a less and less likely outcome. Lora pushed the grocery cart up to the checkout and made small talk with the cashier but Tara never broke her gaze on Kimmy. Watching Kimmy’s tears stream down her face and pee still dribble from under her skirt, Tara promised herself then that she would not be stuck as a little her whole life. Suddenly very self conscious of her near nakedness Tara crossed her arms over her ample chest and overheard the snickering of the two adults talking about how cute and modest she was. 


After paying, Tara saw Kimmy’s mommy arrive to pick up her daughter and take her home. Kimmy had stopped crying by then, but resumed when Tara overheard that it was “Time to go back into diapers, for good this time little girl.” Tara couldn’t help but let out a soft gasp simultaneously letting her pacifier fall out of her mouth and dangle from the clip on her shirt. Tara was going to be 22 in only 15 days and she had remained accident free for the past month. But her mother’s lack of confidence in her didn’t make her feel any better. Lora had already resigned herself to being “mommy” forever. 


Lost in thought Tara didn’t say anything or register mentally anything until she arrived home and was toddling unsteadily back to her room. Her diapers pushing her legs so far apart it was usually easier to crawl everywhere or to get carried and as a result her legs were not very strong or stable underneath her.


“Hang on just a second honey.” Lora said stopping her daughter after a few awkward steps. Without another word Lora stuck two fingers in the leg band of Tara’s diaper. “Oh all dry. Good girl!” Lora said half heartedly trying to not get her hopes up too much. Tara always had streaks of being accident free for sometimes almost 3 months, but inevitably she would have an accident somehow or another. 


Since it was so close to her birthday Lora had to check in daily with Tara’s status regarding her diapers to the local police whose job it was to oversee the littles who had birthdays in the next few months. Tammy was overseeing Tara’s case the past few months and was hopeful that Tara would be “all grown up” soon. However, overhearing Tammy’s last conversation with her mother about how only 2 percent of littles Tara’s age became regular potty trained adults didn’t give Tara much hope.  


Her mother satisfied, Tara waddled back to her room and used her “big girl potty” before she refastened her diaper and falling on her adult sized crib with a sigh. Tara’s room was the closest thing to a nursery a 21 year old girl could have. The only difference was everything in her room was at least 4-5 times bigger than a baby’s nursery and a few other adult like things like her laptop and a dresser which contained a few outfits of big girl clothes her mommy and relatives bought her over the past few years in hopes that one day she would be allowed to wear them. Lastly, a tiny safe, where she kept her life savings from what her mommy called “allowance and good girl money.” She was quite proud that she had managed to save a few thousand dollars for college when…if she ever got out of diapers). It was almost dinner time, and she knew her mommy would be in shortly to feed her and put her to bed. Tara took her pacifier out of her mouth to get her mother’s attention. “Mommy I’m hungry.” Tara said loud enough for her mother to hear her down the hall. 


“Coming sweetheart!” Lora yelled back, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she headed into her daughter’s room. “Ready for dinner sweetheart?” Lora asked her daughter unhooking her nursing bra and letting her large breasts out. Tara was instantly transfixed on her mother’s glistening nipples. She wanted to be a big girl so badly, but if she did make it out of diapers she knew she would always miss breast feeding. 


Without a word spoken Tara put her head on Lora’s lap, drool dribbling out of her mouth, Tara latched on to her lactating nipple. Tara suckled greedily and started getting more and more tired. By the time she finished with the other nipple she was already drifting off to sleep. Lora smiled at her daughter and tucked her into her crib and raised the bars up.


Several days passed and it was the night before Tara’s birthday. She was so excited, she had managed to stay dry since Kimmy’s melt down at the grocery store. Six weeks without an accident meant if she could be dry for one more night she would be accepted as potty trained and start her transition into adulthood. 


Smiling she finished getting ready for bed and emptied her bottle. Mommy liked a break every once in a while so tonight Tara had to settle for the bottle. Ironically it made her feel a little more adult. Wearing nothing but her very thick overnight diapers and sporting a pacifier she climbed into her crib. Mommy was watching tv in the other room and had already helped her into her last night time diaper. The thick padding pushed her legs apart so much she just barely touch her knees together. Tara waited an hour or so hoping her mommy would fall asleep watching tv like she usually did.


Tara would never admit it to anyone, she would hardly admit it to herself. But Tara was always turned on by little things. Diapers, breastfeeding, cribs, cute outfits, pacifiers, and everything else. The thought of having her diaper changed, or changing someone else made her shudder and more than a little wet. It was the one thing she would miss about being little starting tomorrow. “But that’s tomorrow Tara’s problem.” Tara said quietly to herself loosening the tapes on her diapers enough to allow her hand down the front of the extremely bulky padding. Slipping a hand underneath the waistband of her diaper she reached her lips and found them already wet from the thought of playing with herself. Caressing her lips forced a soft moan to escape her pacifier filled mouth. The tv was loud but she still needed to be quiet since noise carried in the hallway. Twitching from the stimulation her diapers crinkled loudly but she didn’t care it felt too incredible. Biting down on her pacifier to quell the sounds of her moaning she took her hand out of her diaper and pressed them both against the front of her diapers and placed her feet on top of the bars of her crib. Pressing and rubbing the outside of her diaper against herself. She knew she had to work quickly to not mess her diaper up too much or mommy would know she was being naughty. A loud laugh track erupted from the hallway just as Tara let out another loud gasp and moan. She half laughed at the timing and kept pressing until she had an idea. Sitting up she eyed the railing of her crib and had a devious thought.


Carefully she climbed on to the railing of her crib. Legs wobbling, weak from lack of use, she managed to balance her diaper directly on top of the railing. Smiling to herself she used her legs to slide her padded ass back and forth on the railing. Grinding the padding between her legs against her pussy felt absolutely incredible. She bit down on her pacifier harder trying to stifle her moaning. Tara could hardly contain herself she desperately wanted to cum. Determined to be satisfied she increased the speed of her gyration. Tara gasped the friction of her slightly moist padding rubbing against her was bringing her so close to the edge. Legs shaking and breasts heaving from the exertion she was getting warm and could tell she was seconds from cumming. The crib creaked loudly as she pressed hard against the railing. Finally, that last shift pushed her over the edge. Trembling all over a soft squeal escaped her lips and a deep gasp. Tightly clutching the pacifier between her lips she had an earth shattering orgasm. Tara came so hard so momentarily forgot her weak legs were supposed to be keeping her balance. Still in mild ecstasy from her orgasm it took a split second to realize the crib railing had unlocked and slid down. Suddenly, Tara fell with the crib railing hard on edge of her crib. Her overnight diaper absorbed most of the impact but the shock and surprise of the fall caused Tara’s worst nightmare. Her body still dealing with the after effects of her orgasm she couldn’t hold her bladder. It started with just a few drops. Desperation took over. Tara tried to cross her legs but her diaper was too thick to even let her knees fully touch. “No, no, no, no this can’t be happening!?!” She almost yelled through her pacifier. The drops soon became a slight trickle of pee escaping into her diaper. Panicking Tara stood up wobbling on her weak legs. Standing up was a mistake as the trickle became a light stream. Thinking quickly Tara starting tearing the tapes of her diaper trying to get it off as fast as she could to get to her potty. Her diaper was starting to visibly expand and discolor from its solid white color. Starting to tear up from all the emotion she managed to get her diaper tapes off. It fell to the floor with a loud plop. Tears flowing freely, pee was streaming down her legs partially caught by her expanding diaper and partially forming a puddle and spilling onto her carpet. Tara could barely contain herself anymore her tears turned into sobs and her legs gave out. Falling on all fours she had only made it two steps closer to her potty. Tara managed to crawl to her potty the flow of pee still streaming out of her. Through the sound of her sobs and the hiss of flowing pee she heard footsteps coming from the hallway and her heart dropped. Tara looked at the wall clock near her door. It was 11:52 pm, she had missed her entire big girl life by 8 minutes. 


To be continued…


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